Chapter 9

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Last time in "The Special one"

I happily skipped over to Mikaela Hiakuya and tapped his shoulder while grinning "Remember me?" 


Mika's P.O.V

My face twisted in surprise when the familiar girl tapped my shoulder and grinned at me. It seemed that my shocked face amushed (Y/N) because she started laughing. The Queen just happily grinned ehile observing both of mine and (Y/N)'s actions. "I...I..." I was too stunned to speak so I just cleared my throat while composing myself and trying to act intimidating in front of the little girl. The truth be told, I was so surprised because one: she changed a lot from the flat chested and small girl that she was (I am telling the truth I am not a pervert!) and two: she looked almost like she just got out of a....mental hospital? "Ne, ne, ne Mika~kun why aren't you talking to me? Don't be afraid, I won't bite"she got closer to me and stood on her toes to reach my ear "too hard" I blushed at her words and quickly hid my face so she won't notice. "Now, now you two. (Y/N) show Mika your room. He is going to sleep with you until we arrange a room for him" The Queen spoke and then suddenly turned to me "And you be careful. No funny business unless you want punishment. Understood?" I nodded my head and started following (Y/N) who was skipping out of the room while humming a random tune (a/n that rhymed XD). I was really anxious about sleeping with a girl, because I never really slept with one. Should I sleep on the floor? I really don't know. Also the fact that she was probably insane didn't help at all. "And we are here" suddenly the girl stopped in front of two big golden doors. They were engraved with the words "I can't live with you, neither without you" which I found pretty creative. She quickly pulled me inside and closed the doors shut while locking them. Her room was another story. When you would look at the doors you would think the room has marble floor with some expensive furniture and a lot of books well that's not the case. Her room is light pink with a giant bed with a lot of toys on it? Dolls and stuffed animals laid across the room, on a big sofa, on a make up table. 

Your P.O.V

While he was looking across the room probably shocked because of my stuffed animals I got into my walk in closet and chose a pair of shorts and a large white T-shirt for him to wear. As I gave him the clothing I heard him speak "What do you do with so many toys?" the question took me by surprise but I still answered him "Well, they are my friends" I replied nonchalant while going to the bathroom to get changed in my nightgown. It was a light pink and it had matching laced underwear. I quickly put it on and while exiting the bathroom I caught Mika in the process of changing his clothes. I blushed and admired his toned chest. He has grown quite a lot this four years. First he is a lot taller than me and second...we'll just say that he is sixteen now. It didn't affect me seeing naked men so I just hopped in my bed and watched him change "Why are you watching me change?" soon Mika asked me with a little irritation in his voice "Because I have nothing else better to do" I just shrugged my shoulders when someone knocked on one door. I ran to the door and opened it just to be pinned by no one else than Crowley Eusford. Not noticing Mika in the room he seductively whispered in my ear "A little birdie told me that you were planning on having fun with Ferid tonight, weren't you?" I closed my eyes while humming a 'yes' and expecting him to take me here and now but instead of that I heard a cracking noise.

"I'll also show you a sweet dream next time..."

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