Chapter 7

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Mika's P.O.V
Ferid was about to attack us when suddenly Krul Tepes entered the room. The Progenitor quickly bowed and remained where he was "Ferid Bathory what are you doing here?! Do want me to snap your neck?" The queen asked with a frown on her pale face. I embraced (Y/N) and she put her head into my neck trying to calm a bit her ragged breathing. After The Queen was done with scolding Ferid, she turned to us and smirked "I see that you've awakend Mikaela. Aren't you thirsty? Or you've already drank from (Y/N)?" Just seeing my angered expression her smirk widened. "Oh poor (Y/N), come to mama so you can heal properly at the Palace" she extended her arm and in one second (Y/N) was besides her. "I am sorry Mika, but I need to go. See you later, k?" She sadly smiles while walking out of the room "Don't worry Mika. I will send some guards to lead you to your new room and you will begin training with The Princess tomorrow. Have a good day, my pet" with a laugh she left the room and two guards came and picked me up and started walking towards the masive white building "Why me..." I muttered while falling into a deep sleep.
Your P.O.V
Slowly walking to my room I opened the door and ran to my (F/C) bed, falling into it and crying. "I'm so stupid for turning Mika. Now he is going to hate me! Why me..." I laid down properly on my bed and fell into deep slumber"
~the next day~
I heard someone knock on my door and I groggly stood up and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands. I muttered a quiet 'Come in' and the door slowly opened making a creaking sound. Agh that hurt my ears. "Good Morning Princess. Today you have training with Mikaela Hyakuya? I think that's his name." The maid said. When I heard Mika's name(even though she said it incorectly) I halted up and looked with wide eyes at her "I have training with Mika?! Then I need to get dreesed. Thank you Evelin for announcing me. You are dismissed." The maid quickly bowed and left me alone to get dressed. I searched through my walk-in closet until I found a white T-shirt, a white skirt and combat boots. I washed myself and put my undergarments on, brushed my hair and finally dressed. I left my room and ran to the rose garden, where we usually trained. There I saw Mika sitting on a bench dressed in a nobel's outfit? He looked hot in it--it's not the time to think of that! I blushed and ran over to him. "Hi Mika! This outfit sure fits you!" I tried to sound cheerful hoping that he wouldn't be mad at me for turning him. "Yea, sure. Thanks. Now let's train and get over with this." And there go my hopes. My smile turned upside down "O-Ok. We'll start with some basic stuff."
"I'll also show you a sweet dream next time..."
A/N: OMI this book almost has 1000 views! Thank you thank you thank you! Also I am sorry that I haven't posted for a loooong time but I was busy with trying to repair my grades because math😑 and now that it's almost summer I will try to be more active on Wattpad. Also, I was thinking about starting a Kaneki Ken x reader book (aka Tokyo Ghoul) what do you say? Anyways thank you for your support and don't forget to leave your opinions!
~Author~Chan out!

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