Chapter 2

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3rd P.O.V
After (Y/N) was put in the Secret Chamber, Sebastian hastly went back to Ella and started shaking the Sleeping Beauty. "Ella, love, please wake up. Please, you can't leave me." While he was crying over his wife, the angel started to open her eyes. "Se-Sebb? W-Where is (Y-Y/N)?" The mother asked. The demon, confused told her "Who is (Y/N)? Are you taking about our baby girl? Well..."The regret in his eyes showed everything. Ella widened her eyes and broke into a run over to the Chamber. When she tried to open the door, a shock electrocuted  her. "W-What?! Sebastian, get my daughter out now!" She screamed her eyes glowing yellow. Showing dominance, Sebastians eyes glowed red "Elizabeth I can't!""Why not---""She is cursed God damnit!" That moment, silence settled down. Neither of them were talking, just staring in each others eyes. "W-What?""Our daughter is cursed. It is the curse of good and evil. Because you are an angel and I am a demon, our baby is a vampire. A new race, neither good or evil. This curse was hidden by God and Satan itself, so that they were the only ones to have acces to it. Now, because of the mutation between two species, the curse gained enough power to break out and find the source. That is why you were electrocuted when you tried to touch the door." By now, the mother was in tears and the father was conforting her "Don't worry. Our daughter will be fine. She will pe protected by the Serpah of The End"
Years passed, and (Y/N) continued to grow older and older, but because of the curse that she posseses, she looked like a 8 years old girl. Her parents tried everything to get her out of the Chamber, but her power would only allow other vampires to touch her or other people who had the same curse. Soon, her parents died because of the dissapearance of angels and demons from the Earth, leaving poor (Y/N) to manage on her own.
~year 2012~
A deathly virus has spred throughout the world that killed people over 13 years old. It was the time of the vampire reign. They attacked the city, taking hostages the children that remained untouched. Suddenly, the queen of all vampires, Krul Tepes, sensed a great amount of power coming from a run down house. Slowly walking over to the house, she saw a door that was glowing blue. When she touched the door it opened and inside there was a little girl, no older than 8 with silky (H/C) hair and mesmerizing (E/C) eyes. She was sitting in a corner and humming a song from long ago. Krul smirked and walked towards her. The little girl looked up and smiled at her "Hello! My name is (Y/N)! Whi are you?"  (Y/N) beamed with happines. Being in a room for over 5000 years was boring, so she was glad she was going to make her first friend. "Hello (Y/N). I am Krul Tepes, the Queen of all Vampires" her eyes glowd red. The girls eyes widened and laughed "That is so cool! I wanna be a vampire too so I can get out of here" she pouted. Krul thought for a little and then grinned "Then I will take you with me! You will be the Princess of Vampires!" "Then can I call you mommy?" (Y/N) said with happiness in her eyes "You may, now come" Krul held out her hand for the little princess to take it and together they started walking to the plane that will take (Y/N) to her new home.

"I'll also show you a sweet dream next time..."

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