Chapter 8

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Warning. This chapter is going to contain some pretty colorful things like: sexual theme, depression etc. Please procede with caution!!!
3rd P.O.V
So you wonder what happened after Mika started training with (Y/N)? Well, a lot  has happened. After the first days of training, Mika was recruited into the army. He started going more on missions and (Y/N) started seeing him less and less, until one day she stopped. She was so depressed thinking that he died, on top of that also being her mother hiding everything from her. With time she started getting lonely. No other child was there to play with her, all humans were scared of her, so she locked herself in the white castle. Soon enough she started cutting herself, enjoying the smell of her own blood and the felling of pain. After several attemps of commiting suicide, she finally stopped, but her condition grew worse. Time flew and after a year she started growing insane. Little by little, the little girl started talking to herself, acting more childish and being arrogant, playing with everyone just to keep herself entertained. At the age of 15, she seduced Lord Ferid and Lord Crowley into having sex with her just for fun. The little girl that once was an innocent girl, became a monster with cold blood. Killing children with a smile on her face was just a way of having fun. Toying with men and having sex with them was a normal thing for her. But my dear readers, this is just the beginning of the story...
(Ok you can start reading from here: long story short (or short story short) after Mika was recruited into the army and (Y/N) thought that he was dead she became insane. OMI now I will need to try and write like a crazy person. Oh God😩)
~at the age of sixteen~
Your P.O.V
"Are you insane like me
Been in pain like me
Bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me
Just to pour that m---Oh Lord Ferid what brings you here~" I giggled while clinging onto him and taking in his scent and brushing the bangs off his face "My little Princess~ Your beautiful mother asked for your presence~but first, what about you spend some time with me? You know, I've really missed you~" in a second I was pinned to the wall. Uh lala~ Even though he knows I am far more powerful than him he still tries. Fufu~so cute. I giggled quietly. My eyes changed red from lust but soon returned to their vibrant purple "Oh but my dear Ferid, our Queen will murder us all if she finds out what are we doing instead of obeying her orders" I whined while freeing my hands from his grasp and putting them around his neck. "Fine" he pouted and got closer to my ear "but later you are mine" he puffed hot air and skipped on the halls of the castle. Cheerfully, I slowly walked over to the throne room and knocked two times and waited for a reponse. A short and quiet 'Come in' was heard and without hesitation I went inside. As soon as I entered a familiar scent entered my nose. I  stopped in my traks and looked around only to spot a familiar blonde haired boy. Damn he looked hot. I bit my lip and mobed closer. "Yes mother?" I put my most innocent face on while looking at her "My sweet little child, I brought you a little gift" My eyes lit up with joy as soon as she said those words. Finally a new toy! I was getting bored of Ferid and Crowley really. I happily skipped over to Mikaela Hiakuya and tapped his shoulder while grinning "Remember me?"
~I hope that you liked this chaper, it was a little (more) mature but I kinda like it?😂
"I'll also show you a sweet dream next time..."
(I still can't believe such a plot twist XD)

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