Chapter 3

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3 rd P.O.V
The little girl known as (Y/N) finally arrived at her new home. She happily jumped down from the plane with the help of the guards and started looking around. Meanwhile, The Queen asked the guards to prepare a room for The Princess and to collect some blood from the children. When everything was done, Krul brought (Y/N) to her new room (which btw was your fav colour) and told her to get ready for dinner.
(Y/N)'s P.O.V
Mommy showed me my room an I have to tell you, it is super cute! The walls are (F/C) with white strikes, in the middle is a bed with (F/C) sheets and a big fluffy teddy bear! Besides the bed is a laaarge bookcase with a lot of boring-looking books in it but it's alright! Mom told me that she will buy me a lot of books for me to read. I also had a makeup table with a giant mirror, a small sofa with two (F/C) armchairs and a low table. The walk-in closet is enormous and it contains a lot of dresses and shoes. I don't really like dresses, but mommy told me that it was suit for a princess to wear it. Anyways, the bathroom was white and gold, with small details around it. It had a jacuzzi and the best part is that it had a shampoon that made baloons! How cool is that?!
I quickly went over to the walk-in closet and started looking through the fluffy dresses. I almost chocked on one, and I'm not joking! These dresses are deadly! Ah, finally! I found a blue dress with a (F/C) ribbon that will surely complement my (H/C) hair. I went over to the bathroom and took a quick shower and wrapped myself in a towel. I put on my underware and the dress. I tied the ribbon around my waist and put a bow in my brushed hair. Just as I was about to put on my doll shoes, someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" In enered a man with purple hair. He bowed down and said "Good evening, Princess. My name is Lacus Welt and I am here to accompany you to dinner." "Good evening Luc~kun! My name is (Y/N)! Nice to meet you!" I quickly put on my shoes, stood up and giggled "Let's go Luc~kun!" I smiled at him and grabbed his hand. We started walking through the tall halls of the Castle and soon we arrived in front of a large white door. Luc~kun knocked and we heard a faint 'Come in!' coming from the other side of the door. When we entered, I saw mom sitting at the end of a long table, sipping from a glass of red liquid?
Krul's P.O.V
I was drinking my blood, when I heard a knock at the door "Come in!" The door creaked open and in walked my beautiful daughter with Lacus Welt. "Good evening little Princess! I'm glad you came to dinner. We prepared everything to be of your liking. Now, come to mama!" I held my arms out as she came running at me and hugged me "Lucal, you are dismissed!" "Yes, your Highness" I heard the door close "Now go and sit down at the other end of the table." (Y/N) quickly ran and sat down "Good. Now, listen and don't freak out. Ok baby? First things all, welcome to Sanguinem, your new home. You will live with me in this Castle from now on. As you think so, you think that you are human. How about I tell you that you aren't?" She widened her eyes but quickly returned to normal "You are a vampire, like me and like the rest of us. You can drink blood whenever you want. Now, try to drink some. I think this is your first time because the fact that your eyes aren't red." I smiled reasureingly at her and she hesitantly grabbed the glass of blood and gulped it down. Her eyes glowed red and then turned re--purple? What? "Mmmm, it was good mommy! I want more!" I slightly laughed amd ordered more blood. Oh Irene,(any MCD fans out there?😏 No? Oh well..😭) this is going to be an interesting experience.

"I'll also show you a sweet dream next time..."

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