Chapter 10

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Your P.O.V
I opened my eyes just to see...Mika punching Crowley off of me?!Ok I gotta admit...That was hot. Two guys fighting over me? I need popcorn! I giggled quietly while throwing myself on the bed and watching the boys throw punches at each other. After some time, I got bored on whisled "Hey, stop fighting!" I tried shouting at them but they just ignored me. "I SAID STOP HITTING EACH OTHER" they still ignored me so I had to use the ultimate solution: I pulled my nightgown down. They suddenly stopped and stared at me, Mika blushing a deep shade of red and Crowley smirking. Seeing their expressions, I giggled to myself and put my nightgown on and finally the boys stopped hitting each other. "Ok so Crowley can you leave? Pweaseeee~?" I made my best puppy eyes and he nodded quickly while leaving the room and winking at me. After the door was closed, Mika pinned me to the bed and growled "What did Lord Crowley mean when he said that you planned on having fun with Ferid?" His blue eyes were staring into mine and I grinned with mistchief "Well, what do you think I meant with 'fun'?" He looked at me with disgust and the got off of me. Ouch, that hurt. He suddenly collapsed and held a hand on his neck. Wha--Bingo. I smirked and approached him from behind, leaned down and hugged him. I whispered in his ear the word 'drink' and the next second all I knew is that we were on the floor, with him on top of me drinking my blood. I patted him on the head when I felt hot tears fall from his beautiful blue eyes and whispered in his ear sweet nothings. After a minute or so, he stopped and just stood there on top of me in a conforting silence. I soon heard some soft snores coming from the blonde haired boy and smiled softly. He looked so peaceful in his sleep that I didn't want to disturb him, so I just picked him up and put him on the bed. As I was leaving to sleep on the sofa, he grabbed my hand and muttered a 'Don't go'. I sighed and laied down besides him, watching him sleep. Yawning I got closer to him, put my head on his chest and soon fell asleep.
~the next day~
I hugged my pillow closer and smelt it's cinnamon scent. Wait-pillows don't smell like cinnamon!? I got up and pinned down my attacker while holding the knife from wnder my pillow to his neck. "Ouch, hey--you don't need to be so brutal" That voice...I quickly reconized the voice as Mika's and let him go. "Sorry, I thought someone was trying to attack me" I scratched my head while smiling sheepily at him. "Yea yea, now let me go to the bathroom first because I get ready quicker" he said and pushed me aside to get to the bathroom. Hm, that jerk. Pushing a girl? Who does he think he is??? Anyways, I got dressed in my uniform when a knock was heard. "Come in" I ordered the person who decided to disturb me "Ah my sweet little angel~ How are you today?" My face lit up when Ferid entered the room "I'm very well Ferid, thank you for asking. Now, what brings you here?" I asked him while hugging him and playing with his hair. "Hmmm, (Y/N) there's no time for playing today unfortunately. The Queen requested yours and Mika's presence." He suddenly said while lookin at me with a serious face.
"I'll also show you a sweet dream next time..."

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