Hello there fellow readers/authors, I am here to make an announcement about the stories I have currently written, but have abandoned for so long.
I am going to delete/unpublish them. I am doing this to edit or start anew. The reason why I am editing or making a new story is that the stories I have made in the past is amateurish and needs to improve to make a good story for you readers/authors to enjoy.
But I'm not going to delete/unpublish the creepypasta story, because in my opinion that story is, I guess on the right track to success and to make a good story no matter how many times you read it. My judgement may be wrong but, remember it's just an opinion.
That's all I have for today and hopefully you won't be bored or pissed at me, but I have reasons...
Important Announcements/Random Stuff
RastgeleLocated in here is important announcements for the stories I have made, and other stuff that I would like to share to the internet so yea.