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"You look beautiful today princess."

Taehyung blushed.

"I'm a man so I'd be handsome and I'm not your princess!"

"You could be."

Taehyung picked up the closet thing next to him which happens to be a rubber duck. He threw it at Jungkook. It made a large squeak as it hit Jungkooks chest.

"Ow, I just might have a bruise."

Jungkook rolled his eyes sarcastically.
Taehyung frowned and stomped his foot.

"I hate you!"

"No you don't!"

Jungkook jumped over the small fence and slowly walked closer to Taehyung.

"Get back to your own back yard you heathen!"

Taehyung took a step back for each step Jungkook took.

"Come on you like me."

"No I find you annoying and perverted."

Taehyungs foot slipped on the edge of the pool making him fall into the cold water.

"You should see yourself right now!"

Jungkook clapped his hands together as he laughed so hard no sound came out. Taehyung thought he looked like a crazy seal. He swam to the edge and got out.

Not forgetting to yell at the two dogs fucking on his patio.


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