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"Can you fuck me now daddy?"

"You are such a slut for daddy huh? Already asking him to fuck you and we haven't even started."

Taehyung whimpered and tried sitting up but was once again pushed down by Jungkook who had grabbed a pastel pink ribbon from his bedside table.

Taehyung gulped remembering Jungkook had a bondage kink. He was a bit eager though he had never been tied up and the fact that it was Jungkook  tying him up made him even more eager.

He placed his wrists out in front of him but Jungkook shook his head.

"Turn around."

Taehyung shook his head causing Jungkook to growl and turn Taehyung around himself. He took Taehyungs shirt off making him shiver when the cold air hit his skin.

Before Taehyung could protest he grabbed both his arms and tied the pretty pink ribbon around his wrists.

Taehyung pulled at the ribbon. He wanted to be able to touch Jungkook at least a little. Jungkook quickly pulled Taehyung over his lap. Taehyung didn't see it coming so shrieked from the surprise.

"So bad trying to get out from the pretty little ribbon I tied you up with. I guess someone needs some spankings."

Jungkook quickly pulled Taehyungs pants and underwear off of him. He rubbed Taehyungs ass before slapping it. Taehyung whimpered at the impact.

Another slap to the ass had Taehyung moaning.

"I want you to start counting okay baby. Start at 2."

A loud moan of Jungkooks name left Taehyung mouth as the hand came down again.



After Taehyung moaned out thirty-four Jungkook thought it was time to stop. Yet he noticed something as he had spanked Taehyung. To the left of his bed was his closet.

The closet doors had mirrors on them and he watched as Taehyung watched himself get spanked.

"Do you like watching yourself princess?"

Taehyung flushed a dark red and nodded.

"Such a little slut."

Taehyung sat up on his knees. He moved himself so he was straddling only one of Jungkooks thighs.

He began to grind down on Jungkooks thigh. Jungkook groaned.

"Fuck baby."

Taehyung let himself fall onto Jungkook. He wiggled himself down until he was face to face with the Juancock. Using his teeth he managed to undo his pants but struggled with pulling them down.

"Don't worry baby ill help you."

Taehyung nodded and watched as Jungkook got completely naked. His eyes widened. He thought Jungkook was big from that one night but seeing it now..... was completely different...it was so big.

He licked his lips and opened his mouth.

Jungkook smirked knowing what Taehyung wanted.  He sat against the headboard and pulled Taehyung down onto him.

A long groan escaped his lips as he felt Taehyung immediately begin to deep throat him. Jungkook gripped onto his hair and began to thrust. Taehyung didn't mind at all in fact he liked the burning sensation.

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