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"Um... okay so I like to be... embarrassed... I guess I don't know how to explain it. Does it make sense to you?"

Taehyung decided to go with that one. Chickening out of the original one he was going to tell.

Jungkook nodded before grinning.

"So you are a bottom."

Taehyung shot Jungkook a glare.

"Not fully.. I guess."

Jungkook smirked.

"Power bottom."

Taehyung winked and stood up.

"You won't ever know now will you."

Taehyung walked away from their seat near the pool and jumped over the small fence and walked into his house.

"Now I have to know if he is or not."


"Taehyung come here right now!"

Jungkook said banging on Taehyungs front door.

"I said I'm trying to fucking take a nap! Why won't you leave me the fuck alone!"

A long silence before Jungkook spoke up again.

"Do you spankings hmm? Will that make you be a good boy?"

The door opens with Taehyung glaring at home

"I regret telling you."

"I bet you liked it though."

Taehyung turned around and poked Jungkook chest.

"The only way it turns me on is when it's sexy time. Okay? Okay."

Jungkook laughed before grabbing Taehyungs wrist.

"It's so cute you say sexy time."

Taehyung smirked. An evil plan forming in his gorgeous head.


"Tae let's get something to eat before you kill me."

Taehyung smirked and nodded. They stood at the counter as the woman behind the counter waited for them to place their order.

"What do you want?"

Taehyung pretended to be shy he whispered in Jungkooks ear.

"Daddy you pick for me."

Taehyung pulled away to see the surprised expression on Jungkooks face.

And the game begins.

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