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Jungkook shot up in the bed. He looked at the clock to check the time.
He groaned as he read it. Two in the fucking morning,

He looked at Taehyung who had started cuddling with his pillow. He was the whole reason he woke up and he was sleeping peacefully.

Jungkook looked under the blankets at his little problem. It wasn't his choice to have a dream like he did. With Taehyung panting out his name as he thruste-

Jungkook noticed Taehyung had his hand sticking out from the blanket.
Would he be mad if he borrowed his hand?

Taking his chance he pulled the blanket over the unsuspecting boys hand. He pulled his sweats and boxers down to mid thigh. He groaned as his erection sprung free.

Slowly he placed Taehyungs slightly smaller hand onto his shaft. (Its so cringeworthy! I'm so sorry!) his breathing stopped for a moment as he realized what he was doing. He should stop but when Taehyung shifted slightly in his sleep his grip tightened.


Jungkook not thinking started to thrust his hips into the sleeping boys hand. He shoved his face into his pillow as he let moans slip past his lips.

He let out a long moan as Taehyungs hand squeezed around him.

"F-fuck... T-Taehyung.."

Jungkook gasped as Taehyungs hand began moving. He looked up to see Taehyung smirking.

"You could've asked me. I wouldn't have minded it."

Jungkook used his hands to pull Taehyung closer to him. Connecting their lips in a heated kiss. They fought for dominance and Jungkook won.

Taehyung moaned as Jungkook moaned against his neck. Taehyung started moving his hand faster making Jungkook release. As he did he bit Taehyungs shoulder causing Taehyung to whimper.


"Much. Thanks."

"No problem."

Taehyung brought his hand up from under the sheets. He got up and walked to the bathroom but then stopped in the doorway and looked at Jungkook.

"Besides I enjoyed it as much as you did."

Might take this chapter down and replace it

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