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Taehyung was currently sitting on the bed waiting for Jungkook to come back. Right after Jungkook had whispered in his head he had told Taehyung to be good and stay put and he left the bedroom.

Taehyung didn't know how long he was waiting for Jungkook but he was getting impatient. Feeling annoyed and inpatient Taehyung got up and reached for the box with all their toys.

He grabbed a vibrator and the bottle of lube. He smirked to himself as he lubed up the vibrator. When he felt it was slick enough he moved so the toy was at his entrance. He let out a low moan as the toy slid in.

He twisted it then pulled it out fucking him self on it.
It felt good but it wasn't what he wanted. Two minutes later the door to the bedroom opens and Jungkook stands in the doorframe. He completely stopped and looked at Taehyung.

His face was blank but his eyes told all emotion.

"Couldn't even obey one order huh?"

Jungkook set a bag down on the night stand and sat on the bed. Taehyung has stopped fucking him self on the toy when Jungkook had entered the room but he still had the toy in him. Jungkook patted his lap.

"Come here Princess."

Taehyung bit his lip. Jungkook was oddly calm about Taehyung disobeying him. So to not make Jungkook mad he crawled over.

"Bend over princess. Let me see your pretty little ass."

Taehyung couldn't help the whimper that escaped his throat. He bent over Jungkooks lap. His ass was now on full display and the fact that Jungkook could clearly see the vibrator made the scene even more lewd.

Jungkook ran his hand over Taehyungs ass and hummed . Now Jungkook had his clothes on so that told Taehyung he must have gone somewhere.

Plus the fact that his dick kept rubbing against the rough fabric of Jungkook jeans didn't help him at all.

"How many spanks do you think you deserve?"

Taehyung thought about it.

"As many as daddy thinks I need."

Jungkook smirked.


Taehyung nodded his head.

Jungkook bit his lap and ran his hand over Taehyung ass once more before bringing it up to only bring it back down against his ass.

Taehyung let out a surprised gasp. The vibrator moved slightly hitting his prostate causing a wave of pleasure to course throughout his body

"Do you think that's enough?"

Taehyung shook his head.

"No more please."

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and slapped Taehyung ass even harder. This time Taehyung let out a long moan.

Jungkook frowned.

"You seem to like this too much."

Taehyung bit his lip cause Jungkook was right he loved this. Jungkook tsked and reached for the vibrator. Swiftly pulling it out. Taehyung whined as he was no longer filled with something.

"Look at you little hole so desperate for something to fill it."

Taehyung whined louder and tugged on Jungkooks arm.


"Please what?"

"Please fill me with your cock."

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