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A knock on the door interrupted Taehyung shower. Curious and slightly annoyed (Because they continued knocking). He got out of the shower quickly dried himself and put on a large shirt.

He opened the door and came face to face with Jungkook. Jungkook eyed him and and down before handing him a package.

"Your mail came to my house."

Taehyung looked confused but took the package. Normally Jungkook would have just entered his house while he was in the shower.

"Ugh thanks?"

"Yeah will I'm going to go or I might just fuck you here... bye!"

He waved and left.

Taehyung made a disgusted face and closed the door.

"Now what could this be? I didn't order anything."

He opened the package to see a another box. He's seen this box somewhere before.

A note was taped onto the box.

Surprise bitch!

"Oh wow."

He took the lid off the box and gasped. There sat a tiny little lion toy that had Taehyungs name stitched onto its stomach. Taehyung couldn't help but smile. Another note was underneath the toy.

Cause your stupid ass dog ruined the original.... plus you looked like an Innocent little boy when you had it. (Minus the cussing and stuff)

Ps. I thought about getting you something a little more... fun ;) ;)


"That's sweet and kinda concerning."

Taehyung decided he was going to be nice for a change. Will technically one day.

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