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Taehyung sat on Jungkooks lap playing Overwatch. He and his team had been winning and he was excited.

"Look we are going to beat them!"

His character D.Va stayed with the payload. As the payload continued to get closer to its destination Taehyung began wiggling.

"Almost there!"

A large grin spread across Taehyungs face as a yellow light spread across the screen.

"Fuck yeah!"

Taehyung then turned around and looked at Jungkook.

"Why are you hard?"

Jungkook bit his lip as Taehyung fully turned his body around to face Jungkook.

"Cause you were wiggling all over the Juancock with your ass."

Taehyung smirked and rolled his hips. Jungkook gripped Taehyungs hips and rolled his. Taehyung gasped and leaned his head back as he let out a moan.

Jungkook moved forward and attached his lips to Taehyungs neck. Taehyung let out small moans as Jungkook trailed his lips down his neck.

The controller fell out of Taehyungs hand and onto the floor. The game was compleatly forgotten.

A higher pitched moan escaped Taehyungs lips as Jungkook nipped at the skin on his collarbone.

Taehyung whined and pushed Jungkook away from him only to attack his lips. Jungkook bit Taehyungs lip but Taehyung declined.

Jungkook tried again and once again he was rejected.


Taehyung smirked and shook his head. He stood up and ran upstairs. Jungkook smirked and followed after him. As he entered the bedroom he was pushed onto the bed and the door slammed shut.

"You know our dogs fuck so why shouldn't we?"

Jungkook smirked as he recalled telling Taehyung the exact same thing.

Taehyung smiled and crawled up onto the bed. Jungkook backed up so he was against the headboard. Taehyung crawled onto his lap and ran his hand up his chest.

They stopped at the collar of the shirt where the first button was. He slowly undid it and moved down the the next. He placed a kiss on the new uncovered parts of Jungkooks torso each time a button was undone.

Jungkook ran his fingers through Taehyungs hair. Taehyung pulled away and pecked Jungkooks lips.

Jungkook pushed Taehyung down onto the bed and hovered over him.

"You are such a tease Kim Taehyung. I hope you aren't teasing me now cause it's too far in to quit."

Taehyung giggled.

"Can you fuck me now daddy?"

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Is that smut I smell??

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