The trip to school

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I woke up at 7 am and got ready for school. I smelled Granny smith's Apple pancakes in the kitchen.
- Do ya caming down Applejack you little appleeater?
Granny Smith yelled down from the kitchen.
Ahm right on ma way! I said while Putting on my favorite accesorie. My hat.
I ran down from my room to the kitchen and sat down at the table next to Applebloom and in front of Big mac.
"Applejack! Applejack!" Applebloom shouted in my ear
I giggled a little and putted my hat on her head.
- Ah gonna preform with Cutiemarkcrusaders in the big Wondercolts act and music contest!
- woah there little sis. What are ya going to perform?
- a song of course!
- Sounds appleamazing!
- Ah know! But Applejack, you can perform with something too!
I giggled nervuesly. Performance isn't really my thing.
- Applebloom, ah don't know about that.
- But you winning a lot money Applejack! Granny Smith shouted from the making of pancakes.
I thought a bit and took one pancake and started to eat.
- Money isn't everythin Granny.
- No, but hell It's good for us!
I nodded while taking a glass of applejuice
Applebloom started to hum a bit on a song and Big Mac readed the newspaper. I really loves my family. Well, they'r actually my everything, or well, I love my friends and that but the only one I ever had a deep talk conversation with was Rainbow dash. I really feeling trust for her. The rainbow coloured hair, the, a bit bloody knees from all soccer she playing and just that cute smile. Everything on her was perfect. I have to admit that she even looking good while bragging. She's the best bff a person can have. She's just so cute...and beautiful, and funny...and pretty...and...
- Applejack the schoolbuss arrives in two minutes!
- Woah!
I took my hat from Appleblooms head and hedded out to the hall and got my backpack on fast. I ran next to our beautiful appletree's while smiling for myself. I've always liked running. It made me in some way. Me and Rainbow used to run every year when we finally got our summer holiday. That was the best time of the year. I bet Rainbow thought so too! Me and Rainbow talked about everything. When I was in Love with a guy she always helped me. When she and her dad had a fight she always could sleep over home at me. I always had my green pyamas on, and she her red T-shirt with a mark of a rockband or whatever it is.
I ran into the buss and took seat next to Rainbow dash.
She looked at me and blushed.
- Howdy there Dash! I giggled a little.
- H-hi Aj.
Why did she sounded so nervues? Her blush spread all over her cheeks and she nervuesly putted out dirt from her nails while speaking.
- so what's been happend lately? Any new war games?
Awww, me and Dash always played war games togheter like GTA and a lot funny stuff.
- Yeah s-something f-from Canterlot. She mumbled fast and looked down but sometimes looked up into my eyes to check if I still sat next to her, right?
- Have ya tried it? The buss started to role.
- Nah, I um t-thought we maybe um c-could hang at saturday, ONLY IF YOU CAN tho heh... she blushed and looked at me.
- Ah would love that! Like uh hang the whole night?
- heh, y-yeah.
- Sounds great to me. Home at who?
- How about h-home at me?
- That was a while ago! I laughed a little. Rainbow dash's pharents had separated when she was five and scinse then they had fighted. Rainbow mostly never wanted anyone to go home to her to see in what a mess she going through. Her pharents sometimes even fighting in phone, and now She's starting to take the buss home to the other just becouse they couldn't meet etchother without a little goodbye fight. Why I knew all this was couse the few times Rainbow took me home to her mom or dad. Rainbow didn't had to tell me. I was getting the situation.
- heh yeah, but it starting to get better and I well...Y-you are the only one I want to spend m-my saturday night with. She Smiled softly and still blushed. Rainbow didn't blushed often but it felt like wrong situation to ask about it.
- ahm so happy for theat. I hugged her while smiling.
She started to blush more and nodded fast.

The buss was going fast and shaiky.
Rainbow looked through the window the whole trip. What was she hiding from me?
Rainbow never fell in love. But boys always fell in love with her. Was she falling for a boy now?
I looked around to see whitch boys who sat near us.
Flash Sentry and Soarin sat behind us and in front of us Sugarbelle and Rarity sat. Rainbow can't be in Love with Soarin or Flash Sentry. They are the cool guys in the class. They was always mean to anyone and anything. And Rainbow can't be in Love with Sugarbelle or Rarity. She've told me that she is straight. Rainbow isn't in Love with Soarin, is she?

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