"Let Aj bleed alone!"

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The next morning I woke up by a light voice calling for me.
"Uuuuh...sister, haven't your school started for like an half hour ago?".
I opened my eyes and dressed myself. My jeans-skirt was in the laundry so I looked in my closet see if I was able to find anything to wear. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a tee-shirt, and of course my hat. I brushed my teeth fastly and after eating a bowl of youghurt and strawberries I ran outside to my bike. I jumped up on it and after a while traveling I heard someone calling from my phone. While continuing to go with the bike I took up my phone from my pocket.
"Howdy!" I shouted.
"Aj, were the fuck are you?" Rainbows voice said.
"I overslept, I'm so dumb..." I mumbled.
"Oh mrs perfection is late for school I see..." she started laughing.
It felt so great hearing her voice, hearing the laugh of hers and just feel love through the phone. She maybe wasn't really that good at showing love, but I thought her happy voice and the sweet giggle or well... Loud laugh was so loveable!
I laughed and pressed the red button to end our little call.
Minutes went, but I wasn't stressed. I was calm as an appletree in the evening. My thoughts were spread and my mind was only thinking of one person. The small houses I passed always made me thinking. Who lives there? And why did they choose to paint their house in that colour? That was my most important thoughts before someone else slipped through my mind.
My hair was blowing in the wind and I felt like I could do anything. I felt...free somehow. And I enjoyed it. To be lonely could feel empty, but it could also feel great for thinking whatever you would like to. To feel the wind, the air, the voices from far, far away.
While arriving at school and running to the next lession which sadly was math I breathed heavily. I went into the classroom and the teacher looked at me.
-A-a-ahm sorry for being late a-...
- don't worry Applejack, Rainbow Dash told me. She interuppt.
- she...Uh...she did? I said unsure of what she told the teacher.
- yes she did. She winked an eye at me and I looked nervues at Rainbow unsure of what to say. Rainbow giggled silently.
- what um...exactly did she say? I looked up at the teacher ones again.
- uhm... she stopped to talk unsure if she thought I wanted the whole class to hear about the "problem" Rainbow Dash told her about.
I continiued to look at her.
- Uhm...Rainbow told me about your um..horrible period cramps. She said that loud that everyone heard.
Everyone started laughing, Rainbow too. My face turned red and I felt awkward. Why did Rainbow said that? Out of all reasons to be late for class why that? And the whole class heard too...
Rainbow noticed my red face and jumped up at one of the tables.
"HEY!?" She shouted and everyone became silent.
- TO HAVE PERIOD IS TOTALLY NORMAL! Every woman got it sooner or later in her life and it's nothing to be ashamed of, so let Aj bleed alone!
Now everyone started laughing even harder and Rainbow smiled at me.
Now I couldn't help laughing either. Rainbow is funny, she sure is, But pretty weird too.. But I'm glad she's by my side no matter what. She's so cute when she is looking at me with that cute smile... ohmy.. I love that smile...

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