Rarity and her lipgloss-kisses

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The next class was history and me, Rainbow and Rarity was walking through the long hall of lockers and doors leading to different kind of subjects for different kinds of classes. Rainbow dash went in the middle of us with Rarity on her left and me on her right. We all talked about the science test that we was going to have later in the afternoon.
- No way?! Rainbow shouted.
Rarity giggled and putted on some strawberry-lipgloss from her little bag.
- We are seriusly going to have a test!? Rainbow shouted again.
- Yes darling, I'm afraid so. Rarity somehow putted her arm around Rainbows back as she gently smiled at her.
Something happened to me. Remember when I slapped Rainbow? I kind of got the same feeling. But this time it was a little bit different. I felt jealously. I tried to calm myself and just tried to not care but it was really difficult seeing Raritys arm around her and her big lipglossed lips turned into some kind off smirk that only Rarity was able to have.
- I think you may have been asleep when Luna told us about the test... I mumbled.
Rainbow didn't really notice Raritys actions, she didn't even make any actions of even knowing that Raritys arm even touched her.
- Yeah... perhaps! She nodded.
- Truth or dare Rainbow! Rarity said fastly.
Before even listening to if Rainbow responded either "truth" or "dare" Rarity said:
- Kiss me.
We stopped. Both me and Rainbow.
- Okay? Rainbow laughed awkwardly.
Rarity began to put on even more of her lipgloss and I shaped my mouth as a straight line.
- I mean it's just a kiss, anyone could do it. She began to make her lips in shape of a kiss and moved her head slowly closer Raritys as well kiss-shaped lips.
- S-STOP! I screamed.
- Huh? Rainbow said.
- WHAT!? Rarity said.
- our um lession is starting now. Hurry up you two!
Then we all three went to history class in silence.
Later in the cafeteria me and Rainbow sat alone with our crappy schoollunch. Sallad made with rotten tomatoes and perhaps poison cucumber.
- Euw, I'm not going to eat that! Rarity shouted from some other table.
- So um, about before history class when we played truth or dare... Rainbow looked at me.
- WE didn't play truth or dare, Rarity just gave you some type of stupid dare, How lame isn't that!? I felt myself blushing.
- Why didn't you want Rarity to kiss me? She looked into my eyes.
- It's just unnecessary, I mean you don't like her...right?
Rainbow started to laugh.
- what's so funny!? I stared at her.
- It was JUST a dare! I could kiss anyone... Her eyes landed on Braeburn from the class next to us.
- or um...almost anyone... she pretended to vomit and we both laughed.
- Wait, I'm just going to get a glass of water. I said. While I was just going to get a glass of water I noticed Rarity standing in my way.
- Applejack, we need to talk... she mumbled.

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for all the positive comments about my story and all the "adding to favorites" notifications I am getting! It's a blast writing this. I'm sorry for updating so little but I got separated pharents and I'm only able to write when I'm home at one of them so that explains a little. School is also taking a lot of time (I am going in 7th grade) but I'll get summerholdiay in 2 days, the 8th June which also is my birthday! Yay! I Will be turning 14 years old! I hope I'll be able to write more in the summer. Hugs and kisses from Pinkie sis!

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