Butterflies in my stomach

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I felt very sweaty the whole day. I actually started to question if I maybe were sick after all? After the last class I went to my locker to get the bag Big Mac left me at lunch. I love my big brother, I really do. But I wish I could talk to him about this. But I can't. I can't tell him about Rainbows secret. I just want to be honest about everything for once. And I can't talk to Applebloom either. She's such a blabbermouth. Scootaloo and Sweetiebelle would know about Rainbows secret in five minutes. And Granny Smith wouldn't understand. She'd probably tell me to "tell the truth like ya always do! It's not that hard". I'd respond that it is hard because I would mess up our friendship if I told Rainbow Dash that I wouldn't like for her and Rarity to be together. But on the other hand, who am I to judge who Rainbow should date?
I closed my locker and suddenly Rainbow and Rarity stood beside me.
"Woooah!" I yelled. Rainbow giggled.
- Why do you look so hot? She looked curious. Rarity rolled her eyes at Rainbow looking kind of mad.
- N-No! I didn't mean like that -I y-you look sweaty! Warm. That's what I meant pfffft.
- Uh Yeah ah guess it's just very hot in here. I replied. Rarity smirked and all of a sudden she started to braid a little piece of Rainbows hair.
- Well darling, you should get yourself a drink before we leave, we'll wait here, right Rainbow darling?
- Uh Yeah sure. I went to the bathroom and took a sip of water from the water tap. And looked myself in the mirror. I heard someone open the door, it was Pinkie pie.
- Oh! Hi Apple Jack! She smiled.
- Howdy Pinks. I replyed starting to wash my face. It felt good to just try to let go of the nervousness.
- I heard about Rainbows sleepover! Are you excited or what?!
- Yeah ah guess ah am... I tried to smile but it more felt like I just made a silly face.
- You don't look very excited, is there something wrong oooor do you just got butterflies in your stomach? She giggled.
- Why in the world would ah have butterflies in my stomach?
- I don't know! I do sometimes, not real butterflies of course, that would be very weird and mean to the butterflies, Fluttershy would get very mad at me for eating butterflies but I don't even see any reason to...Unless, there wasn't any food left in the world and I was going to starv I-
- Pinkie Pie, I get it! I dryed my hands on a papertowel.
- I think you like Rainbow dash, and I think she likes you back. She nod her head and smiled.
- Well...What if ah did like Rainbow, would that make things weird, in the friendgroup ah mean?
- I bet it wouldn't. Well, if Rainbow didn't like You back it kind of would tho. She jumped up on the sink and sat down on it.
- You just told me she did like me back? I felt confused.
- Well, I could be wrong, besides Rarity seem to like her a lot too!
- Maybe... I threw the papertowel in the trashcan.
- Apple Jack, just be yourself, don't even try to compete! Rainbow like you for who you are and being all over her like Rarity does, will only push her away.
I felt chocked. That was the smartest thing Pinkie Pie had ever said to me. Rainbow usually hate clingy people, she can't for real be into Rarity.
- Thank you so much Pinkie, you really made me feel a lot more confident about tonight!

I went back to the others feeling a lot better. Pinkie Pie did actually help me a lot and I really owe her something back for it.
- What took you so long? I could have braided her whole hair in that long time. Rarity smirked.
- Ah just had a chat with Pinkie, thats all.
- Come on guys we're going to miss the buss! Rainbow said.
We didn't miss the bus, but we nearly did. Rarity sat next to Rainbow and I sat next to an empty seat. As Pinkie said. I won't even try to compete. Maybe Rainbow didn't like either me or Rarity?
- It's so small seats in this bus! Rarity complained.
- Don't you ride this bus everyday? Rainbow asked confused.
- Yes darling but the seat makes my butt hurt...
- Why don't ya  just take your five million clothes and sit on them instead? I smirked. Rainbow started to laugh and stretched to give me a high-five. Rarity rolled her eyes again. It kind felt like her signature since she always seemed to do that to me these days.
- I'm sorry Rarity it was a joke.
- Yeah. She replied.

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