Annoyed Rainbow

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We arrived at the school. The buss doors opened slowly and gas flew like clouds around the yellow schoolbuss. Me and Rainbow took our schoolbags from the dirty bussfloor and putted them on our backs. We slowly went of the buss and started to walk to the big building whitch was our school. We didn't spoke under the whole trip to Canterlot high, so I wasn't really sure what to say. I laughed awkwardly and said "hey, silent today are we?".
Rainbow nodded slowly and looked away a little at Soarin and Flash who smoked some breaths at their cigarretts.
I knew that Rainbow liked stuff that would give her attention. Especially stuff like riding motorcyckles, cheating on tests and just do stuff that would make teachers mad and students laugh. But hey, she couldn't be that stupid that she actually wanted to smoke. She still looked away at them while I looked at her to try to understand what was going on.
- Why aren't ya yourself today? I asked carefully.
- Just um...tired... she looked to the ground slowly.
I nodded slowly and also looked to the ground.
- you know that you always can talk to me if something is going on.
- mm...
- I won't be mad or something.
- Okay...
- Have I done anything?
- No!!! Or yes!!! Or!... listen! I doesn't has time for talking about emotional stuff, Okay!? That's not who I am! Okay?!
I stared at dash and nodded slowly. She went away fast.
- R-r-Rainbow! I slowly shouted after her, but she was alredy gone.

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