Hanging out

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~Garroths P.O.V~
"What" I asked still giggling "what are you laughing at" Laurence asked. "I'm laughing about earlier today when Aph was chasing us. We both start laughing hysterically , "she might of actually killed us if we had stopped running!" Laurence said. "Yeah" I agreed, "but the stutter was so cute!" Laurence said, we both started laughing again! "Hey want to hang out here?" Laurence asked.

~Laurence's P.O.V~
I did it I asked him!^*^ "Sure" he said
YAYAYAYAYAY I said in my head! "What you want to do" I asked him
"I don't know" Garroth said "how about going to the park we went to as teenagers?" Garroth asked I agreed and we got in my car and drove to the park! We went to the bridge where I invited him and aph in HS! I liked him Before this happened but he doesn't know I like him or that I did in HS! On the way there I saw someone I wished I never had to see again.... GENE AND HIS GANG they were just talking and hanging out I know it's been a few years since we've seen them but still. I never wanted to see his dumb face ever again. Garroth noticed my face and looked at what I was looking at and he said "we will walk past them fast so they might not see us." We walked/ran passed them they may have noticed since we heard them yell my name....

~Garroths P.O.V~
When we sat down he had this glare in his eye like the one aph has in her eye when she looks at Aaron, was he thinking of someone, does he like me, does he know I'm gay, is he? So many questions filled my brain as I thought about him I like him but does he like me?

<Time skip to 1 day later>

~Laurence's P.O.V~
We came back to the park the today to hang out!

<Time skip to 1 hour later>

"Ok lets go back to my house and I'll make a lunch" I said "ok" Garroth said we got in my car and drove to my apartment. I put the chicken in the oven and sat next to Garroth on the couch and asked "want to play a video game?" He said yes and I put in minecraft and then recorded it to MyTube on my account called Sebastian Todd and then Garroth asked if he could upload it to his account TheDragonHat (go comment we ship GARRENCE on their accounts). After they uploaded the videos to MyTube they heard a beep it was the oven and I went and got out the chicken and made mashed potatoes with broccoli and cheese then made the plates, got out sprites, and set the table. "Garroth come in here" I yelled throughout the apartment. "Mmm looks good" he said "thanks" I said."I love you" I said under my breath
"What was that?" Garroth asked "nothing"I answered immediately.

~Garroths P.O.V~
I heard what Laurence had said under his breath and smirked after he said nothing "what are you smirking at" he asked "I love you too" I said.

Garrence, The True Lovers {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now