Chapter 1

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Prince Lotor, son of Emperor Zarkon of the Galra empire, had been watching the paladins of Voltron for a while. And he had finally decided to bring his plan into action.

"Send a message to Princess Allura," he spoke into the large screen in front of him.


Princess Allura, Coran and the paladins of Voltron had not been rather active in recent times. After the defeat of Zarkon, the paladins had spent some time finding Shiro, (who had simply been lost into the depths of space) before they retreated to the Castle Of Lions, and decided to spend some time both recovering, and bonding with their lions and each other.

And it was another day, Lance still remained in bed, Keith was busy on the training deck, Shiro was out with the black lion, Pidge and Allura were working on the computers in the ship and Hunk was attempting to teach Coran some Earth cooking.

Suddenly, the largest screen in the main deck began to flash static.

"Princess, what is that?" Pidge turned to Allura with concern as lights started to flash.

Allura did not wait to respond, and was already shouting into the speaker that would transmit her voice all around the castle, "PALADINS RETURN TO THE MAIN DECK AT ONCE!"

As the paladins ran through the halls, wondering what was going on, the static on the main screen switched to the blurred face of what appeared to be a Galra soldier.

"Pidge have you tracked where these signals are coming from?"

Pidge typed swiftly on a keyboard, "We seem to be receiving some kind of message from another ship."

Almost as soon as all of the paladins had gathered in the room, the blurred image flashed suddenly and switched to a much clearer image.

"Princess what's going on?" Shiro shouted just before all of the chaos died down, lights and alarms settled and the face upon the screen was finally clear.

"Princess Allura, my dear, what a pleasure to see you again."

Never in her wildest nightmares would Allura have guessed that she would be seeing Lotor again in her lifetime.

"Prince Lotor," she whispered under her breath, in shock.

"Who is that?" Hunk and Keith asked in sync to no one in particular.

"Well, let me make this short and sweet, I, Prince Lotor, have returned to take my father's place. And I thought I would give you paladins a slight warning before I meet you in person."

"What are you saying, you fiend?" Coran spoke up in anger, since the princess was speechless.

"I'm saying that my soldiers are flying this ship right to your location and I'm about to blow a hole in your ship and come to greet you all."

And with that, the static returned and alarms began to shriek once more.

"I'm getting sights of a ship, it's gaining on us rather quickly," Pidge checked the coordinates on their screen.

Shiro placed a gentle hand on Allura's shoulder, "Who is that, Princess?".

She shook her head and took a deep breath, "That, is Prince Lotor, the son of Zarkon".

The paladins looked upon her in shock, they had no idea that Zarkon had any relations.

"It is true. Lotor has been in hiding for thousands of years, no one thought that he would ever return. He spent a small amount of time working with his father, but he was more focused on the princess's heart more than anything else," Coran spoke since the princess was still in shock.

Lover, Please Stay ~ ( A Lance / Keith / Lotor fic)Where stories live. Discover now