Chapter 3

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Two Galra guards lead Lance along the corridors of the ship. He had no idea where he was going, although he was more worried about covering up his body than anything else. He certainly wasn't one to be insecure about his body, however he wasn't sure of Lotor's intentions - or any of the other Galra there, for that matter.

He was swiftly accompanied to a large door, which was opened by one of the guards in the same way that his own door was. Lance had very briefly considered trying to knock out the two Galra and escape, but they would almost definitely beat him even with their eyes closed. Their huge muscular builds and constant bitter expressions were enough to deter him from trying at least.

They unlocked the huge door then turned around and each stood at opposite sides of the opening.

Lance took that as a speechless invitation to enter the room, and tentatively stepped into the room. he was surprised to see Prince Lotor seated at the head of a long and grand table, covered with foods of every colour and shape.

The prince smiled when he saw the boy enter, "Ahh, welcome Lance," he stood up from his seat and glode around the table to take Lance's arm in his and walk him back around to his seat.

"What is this?" the anxious boy asked hesitantly.

"Oh my kitten, I assumed that you would be hungry after all of the events today?"

"I suppose I am.."

"Galra don't generally eat, however I still have chefs that can create the most perfect delicacies from around the universe! I am a prince, after all," he winked at Lance with a smirk.

The boy smiled slightly in return, still uncertain about the whole situation.

"And I must say, you look rather dashing in that outfit my dear," Lotor let go of his grasp on Lance's arm as he pulled out a chair for him, directly next to his own.

"Thanks," he murmured under his breath.

They both took their seats and the prince began to select some food from the banquet before them.

"Go ahead and eat Lance, I am sure that humans need to eat more than we."

"Yes," Lance responded, as he questioningly took something that looked somewhat comparable to chicken.

He had to admit, that although he wouldn't dare inquire as to what the meat was, it tasted much better than the space goo that Coran frequently prepared.

He gradually began to eat quicker, as he realised how hungry he actually was. The food was completely different to what he was used to on Earth, however it wasn't bad - and certainly a large improvement to what he was served in the Castle Of Lions.

"Enjoying the food, kitten?"

"Uh, it's better than what Coran normally gives us, I suppose.."

"Ah, lovely," Lotor responded, pleased that he was able to satisfy his pet.

Lance continued to eat, still at a slow pace as he didn't want to seem like he was enjoying himself.

"So, Lance. Why don't you tell me a little about your role in Voltron? How exactly did a human become a paladin of the most powerful weapon in the universe?"

Lance hesitated before he responded. He wasn't sure if he should tell the Galra anything. He thought about what Shiro would do - most likely hide as much information as possible from the enemy. But, what harm could there be in telling the prince a little about himself? Besides, he didn't want to anger him and put himself in danger.

" and the other paladins found the blue lion after Shiro escaped from your father's capture. Blue took us to Arus, where we found the princess and Coran...I'm the blue paladin but I haven't ever really found out what that means. Everyone seems to have a set role apart from me in Voltron. It's fine though because I have blue and my friends.."

Lover, Please Stay ~ ( A Lance / Keith / Lotor fic)Where stories live. Discover now