Chapter 4

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With Shiro's words ringing in his ears, Keith stalked his way to the escape pods. He only felt anger - although he knew, deep down, there was another feeling. One that he wasn't used to.

He ignored it, and instead, gave in to his anger.

He stopped suddenly in his tracks as he evaluated his options. Then, he took a deep breath and turned a corner, starting to run. He ran through the corridors of the castle, hoping upon hope that he wouldn't race into anyone.

Eventually, he reached the main deck. He sighed a breath of relief as he saw that the other paladins must have relocated to another room of the castle - and they were not in fact, in the main deck. He continued running, and did not stop until he had reached the red lion.

"Hey, girl. We're just going to go on a little trip," he whispered as he took his seat in his lion.

He knew that taking the red lion was the wrong thing to do. But he was too angered to think clearly. The other paladins wouldn't be able to form Voltron, but, they would survive. Lance was the one that may not be surviving. At that very minute.

With the thought of dying Lance in his mind, Keith set off.


Prince Lotor headed down the hallways of his ship in high spirits. He was achieving exactly what he wanted - in fact, it was going better than he had ever wanted.

He turned a corner and entered a large room with a singular chair and a large screen. He took the seat and pressed a few buttons on the large spread in front of him.

"Permission to speak to Haggar," he spoke clearly into the screen.

Static was shown for a few seconds, before the face of the witch herself appeared.

"My prince, what is it?" she regarded him with a bow of her head.

"Haggar, I have succeeded in capturing the blue paladin."

"You have stolen the blue paladin of Voltron? What were you thinking?"

"Ha! Do not doubt me, witch. I have concocted a perfect plan that will allow me to take Voltron. Lance is the key."

"What makes you think that capturing this 'Lance' will allow you to succeed in something that your father couldn't achieve in thousands of years?"

"He trusts me, Haggar. He's a puny human with insecurities and worries. It won't take me long to seduce him."

"Seduce him?"

"I will get information from him. Vital information that will lead us to Voltron. He will tell me their weaknesses, and how to get to the lions."

"You fool! They will come for you and kill you just like your father!"

"Not if I threaten to kill their precious teammate before they can get to me. Humans are sentimental creatures, you know. And don't forget your place, witch. I am your prince, don't assume that I will fail."

"Yes, my prince," she checked herself reluctantly.

"Lance will listen to me, he will. He's quite an adorable creature, I must say."

"Adorable, my prince?"

"Quite so, Haggar, quite so."

"You are not falling for a human are you, my prince?"

"Don't speak nonsense! I am simply using and manipulating the child, to gain information and make him lead me to victory."

"You seem rather close to him."

Lover, Please Stay ~ ( A Lance / Keith / Lotor fic)Where stories live. Discover now