Chapter 5

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Lance had eventually managed to drag himself back to his room, and had been laying down on the bed for the past few hours. He had no energy at all, since he was so emotionally drained.

Suddenly, the door to his room slid open.

"Ah, Lance I found you."

The boy immediately sat himself up on the bed, and dragged his fingers through his hair, avoiding eye contact with Lotor.

"I would like to...apologise about earlier, kitten," he sat beside lance on the bed, and forced him to make eye contact, "this whole..situation, is causing me problems too, and I got heated. I'm sorry."

Lance sat in awe of the prince. The Galra prince who had been acting so strangely ever since he met him, changing emotion at every opportunity. He had just apologised to him.

Tears filled the boy's eyes once more, "I just want to go home."

"I know, I know. Me too," the prince looked off at one of the empty walls, his eyes glassy, "but we can't always have exactly what we want kitten, it's just not possible."

Lance silently wept, tears streaming down his face and dampening the bedsheets.

"I want to make it up to you, I want to prove to you that I am serious about caring for you," Lotor whispered, turning to look at the human boy again.


The prince took Lance's hand and stood him up. Without warning, he pulled him into a brief but firm hug.

"After you," Lotor opened the door for Lance and watched him step out.

As soon as he was out of sight, just for a second, Lotor smirked devilishly, glad that it had worked. His body was filled with conflicting emotions, including guilt for tricking Lance. But he was doing as he had planned, and it was going oh so well.


Lotor lead Lance to a room in the opposite side of ship, where the boy had never been before.

"I'm convinced that you will enjoy this kitten," the prince remarked at the same time as opening the door to the room.

Lance took an inward breath, as he took his first look into the room. Inside, was a glistening blue pool, small, but perfect for 2. The water was much cleaner and seemed more magical than on Earth. Around the pool were towels, bowls with face masks inside, and bottles of nail polish. The room was decorated with towering green plants, with leaves creating areas of shade which contrasted with the mystical shadows from the water.

"This is my, sort of, relaxation zone. I don't allow any of my guards in here, so it's just you and me."

Lotor smiled and beckoned for Lance to follow him into the room. He took off his large armoured boots and glanced at the boy who was still hovering in the doorway.

"Come here kitten, do you not want to go in the pool my dear?"

Lance didn't respond and just stood there, his brain not functioning properly. He eventually managed to move his legs and walk towards the prince, without saying a word.

"Ah, there we go. There's a change of clothes over there," Lotor motioned to the other side of the room. "I'll turn my back if you promise to do the same," he gave Lance a childish smirk and turned his body away.

The boy slowly walked to the other side of the room to find a small set of blue swimming trunks, matching his current outfit. At least this was considerably better than the embarrassing costume that he had on at that moment.

Hastily, he dragged his current outfit off and pulled the trunks up his legs - he constantly checked behind his shoulder but Lotor never even took a peek once. Maybe the prince was being sincere.

Lover, Please Stay ~ ( A Lance / Keith / Lotor fic)Where stories live. Discover now