Chapter 2

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Lance whimpered as he awoke on a stone cold metal floor. He rubbed his head while moaning, opening his eyes to see a dark room before he suddenly remembered what happened a few hours earlier. His heart began to race as he stood up and shivered, since he was only wearing his blue jeans - no jacket, no shirt, and no shoes.

As his eyes adjusted to the small fraction of light that was leaking in through the window panel in the door, he scoped his surroundings. He was stood in the centre of a considerably large room, with just a small bed against the back wall. It reminded him of those cells that he had seen on crappy American prison documentaries back on Earth. The metal door was firmly locked, but as he stepped closer, he realised that he could see clearly out of the tiny window pane at the top (if he stood on his tip toes). Outside of the door, were two Galra soldiers, both with their backs turned away, as if they were guarding him - once again, alike a prison. He took a few deep breaths and tried to remain calm. 'What would Hunk do?', 'What would Shiro do?', 'What would Keith do?', 'What would Pidge do?', he went through the list of his team-mates in his head, attempting to get into their mindsets (of which he considered to be superior to his own) and form a plan. In the end, he decided to go with Hunk's option.

"Hello?" he knocked on the window and shouted out at the two armoured Galra outside.

One of them turned their head slightly towards the door, however the helmet that they wore prevented Lance from being able to tell if they heard him. They stood without movement for a few seconds before one lifted up his arm and spoke into the mechanics on his armour, "He is awake sire."

Lance took a swift breath in, as he realised that he would now single-handedly have to come face-to-face with the strange Galra prince that kidnapped him in the first place. 'At least I might be able to get some answers', he thought to himself, attempting to gain Pidge's mindset.

It was only a few seconds before Lotor himself swayed around a corner, and became visible to Lance, heading straight for him. The boy let himself down off his tip toes and took a few steps backward, bracing himself for the Galra's entrance.

"Lance, I hear you're awake!" Lotor announced in a sing-song voice whilst the door opened.

The prince entered with his usual model-like walk, a smirk plastered on his face. He placed his hand on the wall next to the door and pressed a small button, making the lights turn on.

"Ahh, hello my dear, it's good to see you. Alone now, of course!"

He clapped his hands and the few guards that had followed him left the room and closed the door behind them.

"Why exactly am I here?" Lance attempted to seem mature, but his stomach was churning. This Galra was nothing like his father! He was so sarcastic and happy (and handsome) yet that made him so terrifying and villainous at the same time.

"Oh because I adore you, Lance, and I just didn't want to see you around those other toxic paladins."

"What are you talking about."

"Well, I'll let you in on a secret my dear Lance," he walked forward, the sound of his heels meeting the ground, breaking the silence, "I've been watching Team Voltron ever since my father was defeated and I was summoned. Of course, I was planning to take the princess, but I soon decided that you were the one that I wanted."

"Why w..would you want me?"

Lotor chuckled at Lance's stutter and grabbed his chin firmly, bringing it close to his own face.

"Because you are simply adorable. And I have a thing for adorable creatures," he narrowed his eyes and gave Lance a seductive look, glancing down at his bare chest.

Lover, Please Stay ~ ( A Lance / Keith / Lotor fic)Where stories live. Discover now