9. Is he good in bed?

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Song- Gypsy Woman by Jonathan Tyler & The Northern Lights

Samantha's Pov- 

I face-timed Nel the second I got home I needed to talk things out.  I didn't know what I felt for Wes but if anyone could help me figure it out it was Nel. 

"SOS!" I yell the second she answers.

"sos." She repeats. 

"I have a problem...a boy problem." this makes Nel laugh.

"Ok lay it on me, Its not another stalker is it?" Ok short version I slept with a guy and he wanted more, followed me around for a bit until I threatened to chop his balls off. 

"Well... He kinda stalked me but I stalked him too so were even."

"Is he good in bed at least?" 

"I don't know I haven't slept with him." 

"Good kisser?" 

"Don't Know." Nel gives me  a confused look. 

"You guys haven't even kissed?!" She shrieks. "I really don't see the problem here."

"I think I might like him." 

"But you guys haven't even kissed?"

"Yeah but so far I've hated his guts so I don't really know how I feel." I was confused and Nel didn't seem in the helpful mood at the moment. 

"Just hook up with him and if you feel something you feel something if not move on to the next one." 

"This is not helping." I groan. 

"I give awesome advice ok? It's not my fault you don't take it." She shrugs. 

"You are no help. Fucking him will not solve my problems." 

"It solves a lot of my problems." Nel was a mess sometimes. 

"How did you know that you liked Evan?" 

"I hooked up with him and he didn't ditch me right after. I was like wow maybe he's a nice guy. Well i was wrong about that one." 

"Ok you are literally zero help. I feel even more confused than I was before this call." I let out a frustrated groan. 

"Well sorry about it, I got to go. I got a hot date!" She hangs up without another word leaving me totally lost. 

I would have to talk to one of the twins and hope that they are more of a help than Nel. I have a feeling they might be a little less fuck first and figure the rest out later like Nel was. I really needed to figure my shit out soon I can't start freaking out whenever i'm with Wes. 


In the morning i woke up to something I never expected. My parents were in the kitchen making breakfast for three. I figured they had breakfast together frequently but I just never thought I'd ever join them. 

"Hey hon good morning we made breakfast." My mom greeted me.

"It looks delicious." I smiled.

"You better eat quick don't want to be late to school." My dad said looking up from his newspaper. This felt normal, I was finally getting back to where I was before. 

I ate my eggs and toast as quick as I could and ran to get ready for school. I threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a white t shirt and to top it all off my favorite brown leather jacket. I loved my leather jacket collection a had black ones and browns one and one very special red one. 

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