24. Round two

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Samantha's POV:

I was waiting for my parents to say something, I knew they had gotten a call about my suspension. We were sitting at the table eating dinner but no one dared to say a word. I hated the silence my mind kept going back to Wes, I had talked to him today. He talked to me today, it wasn't going to be good enough to fix the damage I had done but it was a start.

"Aren't you guys going to say something?" I broke.

"Sam, I thought you were getting your act together but this stunt proves that I was wrong," My dad said.

"We don't know what to do with you Sam," My mom frowned.

"It won't happen again, I promise."

"I only have one option Sam and it is to take away your car, I didn't want to do this but I have to," My dad sighed.

"I don't think taking away my car is necessary."

"I don't want to be the bad guy but you can not just punch a girl and get no consequences."

"But I did get consequences, I got suspended."

"But do you really care about school?" My mother questioned.

"It is the only thing I care about," I argued.

"She just wants her car so she can go and visit that boy of hers," My dad interjected.

"He dumped me so you don't have to worry about that."

My mother sent my dad a harsh look and I watched as he softened.

"You father is not going to take away your keys, we just want you to know that you can not keep getting into trouble like this," My mother cooed.

"I understand I will try and do better."

"That is all we are asking of you," My mom smiled.

My father seemed reluctant to throw in the towel but he did not try and go against mom. I knew my acting out has put a toll on their relationship and that was something I could only blame on myself.


I walked into school to Monday after my suspension. I dreaded this day but the last week of suspension has been the worst. I didn't see Wes at all and I missed him so much.

First period has soon became my least favorite class. Clare for the most part did not bother me, she sent me glares from her seat all class but it was Eli who made this class the worst. He kept eyeing me all period and when the class was over he walked up to me.

"I missed you," he smiled.

"Leave me alone Eli" I snapped.

He stepped closer to me pinning me against my desk.

"You are beautiful Sam," he ran his hand through my hair.

"Get away from me you perv,"

Eli leaned in close and put his lips tight against my ear. "You will be mine," he purred.

I pushed him back and slipped out of his grasp and fled the room.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

Tony: ready for round two?

I couldn't do this, I needed to be good for Wes I needed to show him I as serious when I told him I wouldn't do drugs.

I couldn't wait until lunch, it was the one chance I had to see Wes. When the bell rang I practically sprinted to the cafeteria. I was the first one at the table and I waited as the rest of my friends filed in.

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