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Samantha's POV-

Summer was almost over and I knew what this meant. This was the end, I was going to college an hour and a half north of here and Wes was headed about two hours south. It killed me to be so far from him but I couldn't give up my dreams to be with him. We would just have to make this long distance thing work.

I couldn't believe how fast the end of senior year went. Me and Wes spent the whole time together trying not to argue too much. I loved him but we knew how to get the other one worked up so easily it was hard not to argue.

Me and all my friends sent the whole summer hanging out, going to the beach or just grabbing food. It was the best summer ever but I knew what would happen at the end of it.

We never talked about it, we both knew we were going to be over three hours away from each other but we stayed away from the topic.

I heard the door bell and rushed down the stairs I had one week before I left for college and me and Wes planned to spend everyday together.

"Sammie," He smiled pulling me into a kiss.

"Come on I already put it in," I dragged him inside running up the stairs.

"You couldn't wait like two minutes?" He laughed.

"I was excited, the last one was stupid so now that it's my turn I can actually pick a movie that doesn't bore a person to death," I teased.

"I can not believe you didn't like Inception." Wes sighed.

"My movie choices are better," I laid out on my bed as the play screen popped up.

"Really? Dirty Dancing?" He groaned.

It wasn't my usual genre but it was still one of my favorites.

"Come on you knew this was coming the second you told me you've never seen it." I argued.

"Whatever just start the damn movie," I sprawled our next to me wrapping his arm around me.

I ended up barely focusing on the movie, we had done this every Saturday but as the end of summer neared I couldn't help but worry about our future.

"Hey what's on your mind?" Wes asked looking at me with worry in his eyes.

"I'm just thinking about what will happen when we go off to college," I sighed.

Wes reached over to pause the movie and we sat in silence.

"Sam, we are going to be fine." He assured me.

"How do you know? Three and a half hours is a long way to travel."

"I know because I love you and I will always love you. I am not losing you ever again" He gave me a quick kiss and pulled me closer to him.

I knew that he was being sincere but I had this feeling that things would change.

"I love you too."

Once the movie finished we decided to go out to get dinner at the diner we went on our first date. It has turned into one of our favorite spots.

"Are you still worrying about us?" He asked once we got our food.

"How can I not? You don't even seem fazed by the fact we are going to do far from each other."

"Of course I'm worried but I think that everything will work out. Sam our relationship has not been easy but If we love each other and continue to put in the work everything will be just fine." He reaches out and gave my hand a squeeze trying to reassure me.

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