11. Veteran's Day

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Samantha's Pov-

The day I've been dreading is finally here, the Veteran's Day assembly it is the day before since we have Veteran's Day off. I have spent the last week trying to get myself out of this but it was impossible. I had to go up there in front of everyone and talk about the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I tried to tell Mr. Goldberg that it was against school policy to force me up there but he just kicked me out of his office and now refuses all my requests to see him, let's just say he is an ass. I am really shocked he has not been fired or something by now.

I am forced to sit in the front away from my friends who I still haven't told about having to talk. The twins don't even know about my brother so this would be interesting. I really wasn't ready to talk about it to anyone, well I did tell Wes and I still don't really know why.

At the moment some old guy was talking about what it means for him to be a veteran and such but I was really listening. My whole body was sweating and shaking, I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Thank You so much Mr. Weber for your inspirational story." Clare says too enthusiastically for my taste. "Up next we have one of our very own students, Samantha Brooks!" This was my time to shine, yay I can't wait. I stand up and make my way to the podium I had a whole speech prepared but it was all crap.

"I'm up here today representing the Late Trevor Brooks," I read off the paper that was approved by the one and only Clare herself. "You know what screw this," i crumble up the paper. "I lost the most important person in active duty and know all of you want me to talk about it?" I breath trying to calm myself, It definitely wasn't working.

"I'd like to say something to Clare and the School board, Fuck you for making me talk about the worst thing that was ever happened to me and fuck you Mr. Goldberg for not listening when I told you I didn't want to do this stupid talk." I felt someone pushing me back away from the mic. "Get the fuck off me! I can walk away myself." Mr. Douglas the teacher trying to pull me away steps back allowing me to storm out but not before I hear Clare gracefully get back on the mic.

"Ok moving on, Next we have the principal to give a talk about patriotism and what Veteran's Day means to him." This whole thing just made me sick. I push through the door and into the hallway. Once I'm free, I collapse onto the ground.

I felt like my whole world was crashing down around me, my breathing was getting shaky. I didn't bother to stop the tears as the erupted from my eyes drenching my face.

And that is how Wes found me only seconds later, on the school floor crying my eyes out at the memory of the brother and best friend I lost.

Wes Pov-

I watch as Sam storms off, I sit there shocked. I needed to go after her. I needed to make sure she was ok.

"I'm going to check on her." I tell the worried twins next to me. I stand up making my way down the bleachers ignoring the fact that everyone is just pretending that nothing just happened. Once I reach the bottom of the bleachers Mr. Goldberg stands stopping me from leaving.

"You are not allowed to leave,"

"And your not allowed to force students to talk about there dead relatives in front of the whole school but you still did that, didn't you?" I snap shoving him out of my way.

I see her once I enter the hallway, she is crying on the floor. I instantly make my way over to here and sit down next to her. I lift her up enough so i can put her head in my lap as I stroke her hair trying to calm her down. 

"Are you OK?" I ask even though I know the answer. She is obviously not ok, she wouldn't be crying on my lap if she was. 

"You think I would be on the gross school floor if i was?" She snaps, but I notice the slightest smile as she says it. 

 "How about I get you out of here?" I say pulling her off the floor. 

"Lead the way my knight in shinning armor." She half smiles. 

I knew exactly where I would take her. I grabbed her hand leading her out of the school but we were stopped before we could make our great escape. 

"Ms. Brooks I'd like to see you in my office," Mr. Goldberg stands behind us.

"Rain check?" Samantha smiles at me letting our hands break free she follows Mr. Goldberg. 

Samantha's Pov- 

I curse at myself as I leave Wes behind me. He has been one of the only people helping me through this and Mr. Goldberg just had to ruin this. 

"I really wish I didn't have to punish you because I understand you are going through a hard time but this sort of behavior can not go unpunished." Mr. Goldberg says once we are in his office. 

"What about your behavior Mr. Goldberg? Will that go unpunished?" I reply. I was really fed up with this bullshit. 

"I am just doing my job Ms. Brooks, you can not go saying inappropriate language in front of the whole school and make a big scene."

"Just get on with it sir I rather not spend anymore time with you." I could barely even look at him anymore. 

"You better watch your mouth before I add more days of your suspension, as of today you have one day of out of school suspension as well as one week after school detention." I stand and walk out of his office I needed to get out of here. 

I notice Wes leaning against the lockers waiting for me. I grab his hand dragging him out of the school not wanting to be here another second. 

"What's your punishment?"

"One day suspension and some more detentions its all good." I shrugged.  

"How can that douche punish you after it was his fault you were up there in the first place?" Wes seemed angry.

"I'm over it, this school is so messed up." I groan.

"don't worry Sam I have just the thing to cheer you up." He smiles driving off.


"Ice cream?" I laugh.

"Only the best for you my queen." He bowed making me laugh again. 

Wes always seemed to know just how to cheer me up.

"Thank you Wes."

"For what?" 


"Cheering me up, making my life just a tad less miserable." 

He pulled me into a bone crushing hug. 

"Anything for you." 

"So Ice cream?" I said.

"Only the best thing ever invented ever!" Wes squealed doing jazz hands making me almost fall over from laughing. 

"You're such a dork." I rolled my eyes. Before I know it i'm being flung over his shoulder.

"Take it back, I'm not a dork." 

"You're a dork, you dork." I laughed. 

"I'm not letting you down until you take it back." 

"Fine you aren't a dork." My feet finally touched the ground. "You're a huge dork," I smiled running away towards the small ice cream shop. 

"Get back here you little demon spawn and take that back." Wes called after me, causing me to laugh harder. It was hard to think that not to long ago I was on the floor crying. 


I made another cover for this story but I'm not sure if i'm going to use it yet but I've been making some alternate covers for some of my stories so the covers might start changing. 

I am sorry this chapter is kinda short but I didn't really have much else to add so oh well. :/

Vote. Comment. Follow my account and check out my other story :)

~Cora Leigh

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