17. Hey Barbie

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Samantha's pov:

I was wearing the worst outfit in the whole world. I was wearing a pink floral maxi skirt and a light pink tank top. Laney told me she would hunt me down if I wore a leather jacket and ruined her look so I grabbed my bag and got into my jeep. This would be an outfit Laney would love but I felt weird and uncomfortable in this. Even when I was faking the whole good girl persona I still didn't dare wear pink. At first I was glad that she let me wear flats but they were squishing my toes weird and I already hated them. 

When I was walking down the hallway I could feel people looking at me. I was not the girl that threatened the whole school with a chair or told Clare to go fuck herself in front of the whole school. I was a girl dressed in head to toe pink and I looked like an idiot.

"Sam you look so good!" Laney squealed when she saw me.

She had been waiting at my locker to see me in her outfit. I hated it every stupid inch of this outfit made me want to rip my hair out.

"I hate you, I look so stupid," I said.

"Wow Sam that is an interesting look," Ethan said walking up to us.

"Say one more word and i will punch you in that ugly face of yours," I threatened.

"I can't take you seriously when you are wearing that much pink," Ethan laughed.

"Hey, I put this amazing outfit together, do not insult this master piece," Delaney interjected.

"Sorry Laney but it is not Sam's best look," Ethan said while he howls of laughter from my ridiculous ensemble.

"I'm leaving," I said before walking away from them.

This day was going to be awful. I could not wait for Dario to see this outfit. He might actually be the only one to understand the pain of losing poker to Laney.

I was not surprised that Dario's jaw dropped the second I walked into first period. I didn't even have time to hear his reaction when the she devil Clare popped up in front of me. I swear this day just kept getting worse.

"Hey Barbie, Where is Ken?" Clare smiled.

"Hey Clare's face, meet my fist," I said before punching her yet again.

It might not have been the best decision to punch her but I was not in the mood for any of her annoying comments. She always seemed to know when to push my buttons. That is why I was in Mr. Goldberg's office again. I should have learned not to lose my temper with Clare because being here with Mr. Goldberg was so much worse than anything Clare could ever say. 

"Samantha I'm not surprised to see you in here again," Mr. Goldberg said.

"Can we just get to the point what is my punishment?" I cut him off.

"Due to the Veteran's Day incident, I have decided to let you go but if you end up in my office one more time I will not be as nice," He threatened.

I was surprised that he wasn't doing anything. But at the same time I knew he was trying to cover his ass. He is definitely not allowed to blackmail kids, so this was him making sure I wouldn't report him to the board.

"You are literally the worst vice principal," I said before leaving his office.

Today was my last day of detention I was aching to get out of that awful room. I had missed second period but I still had to go to third. I wasn't that upset about going to third because I had Ethan in that class and I knew he wouldn't push my buttons as much.

"I heard you punched Clare...again," Ethan said when I joined him in class.

"I am in a bad mood today, do not make me mad Ethan," I said.

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