21. When I say Perv, You say Eli

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Samantha's POV:

Wes left the hospital yesterday, he had a broken leg so he needed crutches but other than that he was fine. He had some internal bleeding but that was fixed during his surgery. He decided he was going to school today against his mother's wishes. I wanted him to stay home another day and get some rest but he insisted he was fine. 

I picked him up at his house in the morning since he couldn't drive. 

"Morning Sammie," He smiled, giving me a quick kiss. 

"Morning, Weston," I laughed. 

"I am going to regret telling you that."

"Dario wants me to stop with the matchmaking so I have decided to try and figure out a plan to get Laney and Ethan together."

"Why can't you just let people live their own lives?" He asked.

"Fine but I am going to at least talk to Ethan and try to get him to make a move," I said. 

"I was thinking about how we still have yet to go on a date."

"Yeah the accident halted any dates for us."

"I want to wait until I get my cast off but I just wanted to let you know that I am going to take you out Samantha, and it is going to be amazing," He smiled. 

"Well aren't you cocky," I joked. 

"Only for you babe," He winked. 

We finally pulled up to the school and I was sad to have to separate from Wes but I was glad to have him back in school. 

The only thing on my agenda today was to talk to Ethan. I ignored Clare's threats and just walked into the building next to my extremely hot boyfriend. 

"I want to go and talk to Ethan," I tell Wes.

"You are going to ditch your crippled boyfriend to go and talk to Ethan," Wes raised his eyebrow. 

"Yes that is exactly what I am going to do," I laughed and gave him a quick kiss before walking down the hallway. 

I see Ethan head into the staircase so I try to speed up to catch him but someone steps in my way. 

"Hey Sam."

"Eli, I really don't have the time."

"C'mon we had so much fun together," He laughed.

"Eli you have to understand that it was a one time thing," I said, coldly. 

"Don't be like that Sam," He smiled. 

I hadn't noticed how close he had gotten until I felt one of his arms snake around my waist pulling me against him. Eli was a pig, I have always known that but I never realized how awful he really was until now. I slammed my knee up hitting the one place I knew would make him stop. I watched as he jumped back hunching over. 

"Stay away from me," I yelled before rushing off to find Ethan. 

I was surprised to find Ethan in the stairwell. I was even more surprised when he wasn't alone. He was with a girl I didn't recognize, arguing. He hadn't noticed me yet since they were standing in the back, he had his back towards me but I could she the girl's face and I could tell she was upset. 

"How many times do I have to tell you no?" Ethan said frustrated. 

"You are a piece of shit Ethan," The girl cried out. 

"What did you expect to happen Amelia?"

"I thought you would be more understanding."

"Well it is hard to get over the fact you ditched me for Vincent."

"Can we just get past that?" Amelia pleaded. 

"You weren't just my girlfriend, you were also one of my best friends."

"I was never actually you girlfriend Ethan."

"And you never will be."

Amelia pushed past Ethan storming out. I watched as Ethan slowly turned. I thought about fleeing but instead I just stood there. 

"How much of that did you hear?" Ethan sighed. 


"I'm sorry she is-"

"A crazy person?" I offered. 

"No, its complicated."

"I get that, are you over her?" I asked.

"Yeah it is all in the past." 

Ethan was such a good guy. He deserved a girl who would make him her first choice and I think I knew just the girl. 

"Well then are you ready to move on?" I pressed. 

"If I found the right girl," He shrugged.

"Don't be stupid I know you have feelings for Delaney."

"I like her and we have been spending a lot of time together but I think I am just nervous I am going to screw it all up."

"Ethan you got to go for it, I put myself out there with Wes and see how that turned out."

"But he rejected you after you did that," Ethan frowned. 

"Not the point, we are together now. You told me that you had waited too long to make a move and you lost the girl. Do you really want to make that same mistake?" I questioned.

"You are right, I am repeating my mistakes. I did the same thing with Amelia and I waited now I can't do the same with Delaney."

 The bell for first period rang so I said my farewells to Ethan and made my way to my class. 

I liked having Dario in my class but having the she-devil, Clare was a huge downside. 

"Hey Sammie, how's Tony?" Clare laughed as I walked through the door. 

I sent her a well deserved death glare and slid into my seat next to Dar. 

"Who's Tony?" He asked.

"No one," I dodged. 

Dar gave me a questioning look before letting it go. I could tell he was curious but I knew that he would respect my privacy. 

Eli stumbled in a couple minutes late, he glared at me before sitting in his normal seat in the back of the class. I forgot he was in this class, great just great. 

"What was that?"

"He is mad that I kneed him in the balls this morning," I answered. 

"Why?" Dar questioned. 

"He tried getting all handsy, guy couldn't take a hint."

"How did Wes react to all of that?"

"Doesn't know about it and won't find out about it," I give Dar a pointed look. 

"Sam is it really a good idea to already keep things from Wes?"

"I dealt with it, it would only make Wes upset. He can't fight someone with a broken leg. Also I rather not bring up Eli, ever. I don't need to remind Wes of that day by my lockers."

"I think you just need to be open with him about it but its your life I'm not going to try to tell you how to live it."

Dario was right about telling Wes about what happened with Eli but we have had such a rocky start I didn't want to bring up Eli. We never talked about that day after he rejected me and I don't think now is the best time. 


I am sorry I took awhile to post this chapter but I am currently dealing with school and applying to colleges and scholarships so my life has been crazy. I have a couple chapters still left that are pre-written and I only have to edit them so hopefully I can post the next couple weeks at least and by then I should be more caught up with my work. 



Thank you for reading!

Cora leigh

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