Bonus chapter 4: heartbroken and in despair

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Ethan's POV:

I walked into the cafeteria not really knowing what I expected. Nothing had changed. I had been betrayed by the two people that meant the most to me. How was I supposed to feel now?

I looked over to the table I used to sit at. I frowned. My best friend was locking lips with the girl I had once thought would be my always. It was stupid, I was stupid. How could I have thought that she was the girl for me?

I looked around the cafeteria one last time just thinking about how my life had truly fallen apart.

I was so excited. Today was the day I would make Amelia mine. She had been there for me everyday. She would talk to me on the phone every night until my parents stopped yelling and I could go to sleep. She would wait for me outside of my last class so we could go and get ice cream after school. She was the one thing that made me smile on the days I didn't feel like getting out of bed.

I made my way to her house and knocked on her door. Her mother was the one to open the door.

"She's upstairs doing homework," her mother smiled and let me in.

"Thank you." I ran up the stairs.

I pushed her door open to see she was not doing homework, she was doing my best friend.

I shook the memory out of my head and went to leave the cafeteria when a group of people made their way in from the courtyard.

One of them caught my eye. She had long dark hair and tan skin. She was smiling and laughing with a guy that looked a lot like her. She was breathtaking, the way she commanded attention and how she radiated confidence. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

I cursed myself for getting swept up with a pretty girl and forced myself through the doors and into the hallway. I had barely recovered from the last girl I didn't need some new girl to come and swoop in and break me even more.

I walked into the last class of the day super happy to finally be able to get out of here. I had one more class and I could go home to my parents who fought constantly, great. I had no one at school and my parents barely took a break to say hello to me from their fighting. My life was just going amazing.

I sat in the back and tried to tune out the lesson when someone sat next to me.

I was shocked. The girl from the cafeteria sat there not even giving me a glance. She stared at the front of the room as the teacher wrote the assignment on the board. She was so focused, she sat there bring her lip and scribbling down the notes as quickly as she could.

There was something about her that made me want to know her. I wanted to find out what she was like, hell I just wanted to know her name.

She raised her hand up high.

"Yes Delaney?" The teacher asked.

"When is this assignment due?" She questioned.

"Next week so I suggest you get started on it now." The teacher went back to writing on the board as Delaney continued to write in her notebook.

I had had enough. I had spent all night listening to my parents screaming about how my dad works too much and doesn't put enough effort into the family. The only escape I have from my house is school and here I have no one. I was so sick of just letting my life go down hill.

When I walked into my third period class and saw Samantha the girl that had went from quiet nerd to crazy chick in a matter of seconds sitting the back by herself I figured I would take a chance. Did this have something to do with the fact she was friends with Delaney? Maybe but it had more to do with the fact I was so sick of life just taking a huge dump on my head. I needed to pick myself up and make my life better, no one would do it for me.

I sat in the seat next to her.

"What is with these new kids." She groaned.

"I heard that and I'm not new. I've been in this class all year." I answered.

"Sorry you're face is pretty forgettable."

I held in a laugh. She was amusing, I didn't see why everyone was scared of her. They called her crazy and psycho but she was kinda funny.

"I would say I'm offended but you sleep in this class everyday, so I didn't really expect you to know me."

"First of all I don't sleep on this class everyday and secondly why are you sitting next to me?" She snapped.

"I'm just going to ignore the blatant lie about not sleeping in this class. But i'm sitting here because you were all alone, thought you might need some company." I lied. I was the one that needed company.

"Are you lonely dude? Because if you need friends you came to the wrong place."

Oh she had no idea. Maybe I had come to the wrong place. It could be easy for her to just ignore me but what did I have to lose I already had no friends.

"I'm Ethan by the way."

"Did I ask?"

"You should try being nicer to people." I advised.

"Why would I be nice to people if everyone are just stupid assholes that don't give a damn about you." She glared.

"Not everyone is an asshole girly. You are stronger than this, you get burned, you got to get right back up. You can't just go around hating the world and everyone in it, it isn't healthy." It was stupid. I didn't know her but I have gotten hurt by the people closest to me I know a little bit about hating the world.

She send me one last glare before shooting her legs out and kicking me off me seat.

"Ow," I groaned when I landed harshly on the floor.

"Sorry leg spasm." She smirked before heading out the door.

Maybe I wasn't meant to make friends. I was destined to be alone for the rest of my high school career.


So that's a little insight into the life of Ethan. I hope you liked it!

If you guys want any other bonus chapters from any other character I'd be happy to write them.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my work. I appreciate every one of you.

-cora Leigh

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