14. Take me here on your front porch

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Wes pov-

I was angry at myself and Hunter. I had to fix this, I could not deal with Samantha hating me. This was killing me on the inside. I wanted to just tell her how I felt but I knew I couldn't because of the bet. The second she found out it broke all hope of her trusting me, but just I can't have her thinking that I would say those things about her. She trusted me enough to open up to me about her brother and cry in front of me. I knew that she didn't like to be vulnerable in front of people but she was with me. 

Once school ended I went straight to Hunter's place. It was the only way I would get the truth. He was the last person I wanted to see but I had to do this for Sam. I had to fix what happened and I know I can't do it alone. 

I pound on his door until it opens and I was surprised when it was a girl who opened it. 

"Is Hunter around?" I asked.

"Yeah hang on," She says walking off.

I step into the apartment and it is exactly the same as it was the last time I was here. The walls were white and there was a black couch facing a small television off to the right. To the left was the door to his bedroom and straight ahead was the small kitchen with an island that had two bar stools to sit on. His place was very simple and he didn't have any sort of decorations or personal items. 

"Well look what the cat dragged in," Hunter laughed as he exited his room. 

"I need to know what you said to her," I demanded, getting straight to the point.

Now was not the time for small talk, I didn't want to spend any more time than I needed to here. 

"Hunter aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?" The girl spoke up. 

"Wes, this is my girlfriend Nel," 

"Hunter I don't have time for this. What did you say to Sam?" 

"I only told her the truth. You can't use a girl like that and expect me to just lie to her." 

I wanted to kill him.

"You know I wasn't using her, I care about her. I tried to call it off, I was the one that went to you to end it. You were the one that said she was a slut, not me. I would never say that about her, she is anything but a slut." 

"Samantha not a slut? That is a funny joke. I know her way better than you and she is about as slutty as they get," Nel replied. 

How the hell did this girl know a thing about Sam?

"How do you know Sam?" 

"I was her best friend until she slept with my boyfriend, that hoe."

"She slept with Hunter before you two were even dating." 

Hunter was definitely single when we took her out to that restaurant. 

"Yeah but she has practically slept with the whole town. It is why her brother left, he couldn't stand to be around her." 

Her words hit me like a bullet. How could someone who was supposedly her best friend say that about her?

"You are wrong about her, she is funny, kind and sweet. She may put on a rough exterior but on the inside she is just a broken girl grieving her dead brother. You have no right to say that about her. Now Hunter tell me what the hell you said to her," I demanded, my blood was boiling.

"I just told her the truth. You were using her and thought she was a worthless slut." 

When the words slid out of his mouth I couldn't control myself. I lunged toward him punching him straight in the jaw. I could feel someone pulling me back and I knew it was the she-devil.

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