16. Ms. Matchmaker

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Samantha pov-

I wished that I hadn't stooped down to this low of a level but here I am stalking a poor boy like he is my prey. See I thought that making this mystery guy my friend was supposed to be easy but it was not. Part of me is saying its a sign, let Dario do it on his own, but the majority of my brain is pushing me to interfere. I never thought I would go full on crazy and stalk someone all day, that is more of a Wes thing to do. I was going so far that I almost followed him into the bathroom between forth and fifth period. I restrained myself of course, I wasn't a total creep.

"Sam, what are you doing?"

I looked up to see Wes peering down at me.

I was hiding behind a wall watching Finn. I should've just gone up and talked to him but I had to make sure that I didn't screw it up.

"Stalking," I relied.

"Why are we stalking some poor kid?" He asked.

"Do me a favor and go flirt with him real quick," I demanded.

"I am not going to go flirt with some guy."

"Please? I need to find out if he is gay," I said.

"I have a reputation to uphold Sams," Wes replied.

"Oh right sorry, I forgot about the whole masculinity issue guys have," I joked.

"I'm confused about why you are stalking this kid?"

"I'm playing matchmaker," I said.

"Ok Ms. Matchmaker, what is the plan?" Wes asked.

"I am going to become friends with him."

"No wonder you had no friends before me. Stalking is not an efficient way to make friends,you are awful at this," Wes laughed.

"Says the guy that stalked me." I rolled my eyes.

"oh shut up, What exactly are you waiting for?" He questioned.

"I am trying to figure out what to say."

"Watch and learn you idiot."

Wes walked straight towards Finn, I followed closely behind him.

"Hey man, my name is Wes," He introduced himself.

"Hey, what do you want?" Finn responded.

"Just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out with me and my friend after school. We are going to grab some food," Wes struggled.

"No thanks," Finn turned and left me and Wes behind.

"Wow and I thought I was bad at this," I laughed.

"Shut up at least i'm not some creep."

"Take it back," I threatened.

"What are you going to do, threaten me some more?" Wes laughed.

"You are a complete dumb ass," I said before I marched away from him.


I was going to force Wes to keep his promise of getting food after school. It may have just been a way to get Finn to hang out with us but I wanted food.

"Where should we go?" I asked.

"What about that restaurant on main street? What is it called, Stan's?" Wes laughed. "Oh wait I forgot you are banned from that place."

"I hate you," I glared.

"Come on there is a good burger place like 10 minutes away," Wes said.

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