Chapter 32; The End

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-Two Years later-

I stood in front of a large full body mirror, in the most beautiful white dress I had ever seen in my life. It was strapless and the top had a beautiful lace design and the bottom flowed down to my feet in folds of silk. The dress hugs my body in all the right places, and my hair was down in a beautiful curl; I refused to let them put it into an up-do. I hated those things; there was a Tiara on the top of my head that held a veil that flowed down the back of my head. I wouldn’t let them cover my face with it either, I hated that too. My make-up was absolutely flawless. I hardly recognized the girl in the mirror, she was radiant and she looked…happy.

Just on the other side of that door was a room full of people waiting to watch me marry the man of my dreams, Just on the other side of that door Craig stood under an altar waiting for me. After all of this he would be mine, forever.

The door to the dressing room opened slowly, and Max poked his head in with a smile on his face and then entered fully and closed the door behind him.

“You look beautiful Kam.” He smiled hugging me, I smiled nervously. Butterflies were going haywire, because I knew that Max was here to get me. I had asked him to walk me down the aisle today, because I really wouldn’t want anyone else doing it.

“You think?” I asked looking down at myself and then back at him.

“Absolutely, don’t be so nervous. Craig loves you, that’s all that matters. We have to go in a few minutes but someone wanted to see you first.” He smiled and then he disappeared out of the room, a second later someone else stepped through the door with his back to me. When he closed the door he turned around to face me and I almost cried.

“ANDY!” I smiled and he crossed the room and pulled me into a hug.

“Hey Kammy.” He smiled as he released me.

“Oh my god, I’m so glad you’re here! I was beginning to think you weren’t going to come!” I said, smiling up at him since he was so much taller than me.

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world kid.” He smiled at me genuinely.

“Thank you Andy, I really am glad you’re here. I don’t think anyone else would be able to calm me down if I got extremely nervous except for you.” I said, and he laughed.

 “I’m so happy for you Kammy, really, you’re all grown up, you have a son, who is almost exactly like you in every way, and I can tell that kid loves you two so much; and that man out there…I’ve never seen somebody so in love in my life. And then I come in here…You two deserve each other. Just the way you light up when you talk about him, I like to think I somehow helped you two get together.” He smiled and I laughed.

“Hey, it’s time to go.” Max said sticking his head in the door, I smiled at him and nodded.

“You better go, wouldn’t want to keep Craig waiting.” Andy smiled, and I laughed.

“No, wouldn’t want to do that.” I said and I looked at myself in the mirror one last time, and took another deep breath before I crossed the room and hooked my arm through Max’s.

He led me out of the room, and Andy went to join the other guests. We walked down a long hallway until we stood in front of a large door where just behind it my future was waiting.

“Just please don’t let me fall… because it might happen.” I said my voice shaking from nerves.

“I’ve got you Kam, don’t worry. Just take some deep breaths, if it makes you feel any better, Craig is all smiles today, all he can talk about is you and how happy he is that you wanted to marry him. You’re going to take his breath away.”

I smiled at him nervously, that did make me feel better. Just thinking about Craig waiting for me on the other side of the door, made me want to charge the battalion single handedly. A few seconds, later I heard the music start playing and the doors opened slowly. I heard a few gasps and comments as Max and I made our way down the aisle slowly.

“She looks so beautiful.”

“Isn’t it sweet?  Her brother is walking her down the aisle.”

“That dress is stunning.”

 I looked around the crowd slowly and spotted my mom…in the front row she had tears in her eyes and she was smiling at me. I smiled back at her surprised that she was even here, I hadn’t talked to her in a few years… she placed her hand over her heart as if she was saying she loved me.  My eyes scanned again, and landed on the one person that made all the nerves and all the murmurs go away. There was a smile plastered across his face, and his eyes shone with love and pride. I wanted to run to him and kiss the living daylights out of him, he looked sexy.

He had on a black and white Tux, the white shirt showed his tattoos a little bit and it made him look dangerous, his hair was slicked back in a neat way that I had never seen before. Ronnie (who was holding a now three year old Mason), Andy, Monte, and Robert stood behind him. I looked at Andy and raised my eyebrows in confusion, he just smiled and shrugged. I smiled back at him, Gab and Leila stood on my side in the burnt red gowns that I had picked out for them, Leila was bouncing up and down happily as Max and I finally made it to the altar. He placed my hand in Craig’s and kissed my cheek before he sat down next to our mom.

Craig pulled me to the altar with him and smiled at me.

“You look so beautiful.” He whispered, I smiled at him and felt myself blush slightly. “Are you ready?” He asked me softly.

My eyes met his and I nodded “As I’ll ever be.” I said and if it were possible I knew his smile would only get wider.

About an hour later, my name was officially Kameron Rose Mabbitt and I couldn’t have been happier. As Craig and I made our way out to the limo that waited to take us to the airport, Leila stopped me by tugging on my dress. I knelt down in front of her and smiled as she threw her arms around me.

“I told you, you and daddy were going to get married. I love you Kammy.” She whispered and I smiled at her, returning her hug before I stood back up and ran to the limo where Craig was waiting on me.

I glanced back at the people that were standing on the stairs of the church, my mom was smiling at me, she now held Mason securely at her side, and he was blowing kisses my way. I smiled at him and blew him a kiss back; I could hear his bubbly laughter explode through the air. I let my eyes roam again and saw Max smiling at me with his arms crossed over his chest, beside him stood Andy, who wore a similar smile, and then there was Ronnie, Monte, and Robert. I smiled at them and then looked back at Max before I mouthed a silent ‘Thank You.’ He waved his hand as if to say it was nothing, I smiled before ducking into the limo.

He smiled at me as I pulled the door closed, and took my hand in his as the limo driver pulled away from the curb.

“Well Mrs. Mabbitt, Welcome to the first day of Forever.” He said and I smiled at him, as he brought his lips to mine.

♡ The End ♡

Omg I can't believe it's overrr! Nooooo, I loved this story so much! THERE WILL BE NO SEQUEL.

Love you guys!

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