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"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Gekko screams while avoiding Luna girl's lasers.

"Hahahahaaaa!" Luna girl laughs while shooting her luna magnet.

"Don't worry Gekko, I'll help you............. after I get Catboy back to normal." Owlette assures him while trying to fix Catboy.

He was acting like a crazy loverboy to Lunagirl. "Leave my sparkling moonstone alone!" crazy Catboy saying while trying to free himself from Owlette. "T-Try getting him w-wet." Gekko calls from a roof. "Got it!" Owlette throws him up in the air and calls. "Owl wing wind!" A gust of wind from her owl wings sends Catboy flying into the air, then he falls into the lake. Owlette grabs him from the lake, he was wet and unconscious. Then she lays him down and leaves to help Gekko. She sees that he was in a corner and was about get zap. "Say goodbye Gekko."

"Think again Lunagirl!" Owlette calls and grabs her luna magnet in a front flip. Then accidently shoot her on the left side of her stomach, landing on the street unconscious. "Lunagirl!" Gekko yells and runs up to her.

"Gekko, I'll take care of Catboy and you take care of Lunagirl." Owlette tells him with worry and leaves to take care of Catboy. Gekko pick up the unresponsive villain and takes her to an dark alleyway. Placing her in a box he realizes how beautiful she was. "Wow, I didn't realize how beautiful she was before." He thought. Then she awakes with a groan and she see Gekko staring at her. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Leave me alone Lizard legs!" She yells and tries to hit him to escape his grasp but he dodges it.

" Woah, woah, woah, it's ok, it's ok. Now let me help you."

"How do I know that I can trust you?"

"I could have left you there if I didn't care."

"Fair point but what happened?"

"You accidently got shot........."

"Great............. Now you better fix me and take me home prettyboy." Gekko blushes uncontrollably, that he picks her up and climbs on the wall in silences.

"Soooooo, why did you become a villain?"

"To - hey! Why do you want to know?"

"To know why we're fighting."

"Fine, Lizard Legs but you must explain to me why you're a hero."


"I became a villain because of the fact that I can only come out at night and that I can't have your daytime fun."

"Wow, that sucks but the reason why I'm a hero is that I wanted to stop people from messing with my day and others. And so others can have a good life."

"Reasonable but why bother when with your powers you can be a ruler or thief. You could have whatever you want."

"Well, I already do and my powers only work at night I think. Well now, I need you to stay still, please."

"You do?! But what about - ow, hey!"

"I told you to say still so I can fix that area."

"Fine." For the rest of the few mins, he and her chat about stuff and start to bond. He finished fixing her up and takes her to her Lunalair. It was above the forest and Gekko used his super strength to fling her and himself up there where the door auto opens itself. Crash landing, he and Lunagirl was on top of each other. Seeing that, they stared into each other eyes and started to blush so Lunagirl breaks the silence. "Do you want anything to eat or something?"

"What do you have?"

"Cookies, milk and stuff."

"Sure, I'll take the cookies and milk but I have one more question." He sits down on a white chair waiting.

"What?" She giving him his milk and cookies.

"How did you do that, how did you make your luna magnet do that?"

"Do what with my luna magnet?"

"Make Catboy a crazy loverboy and making clouds that other time."

"Oh, that. I added a pump to my luna magnet to make the clouds and the thing is that luna has the powers of control and more stuff like love and junk."

That's very interesting and thank you for the snack, it was good."

"Yeah, You're welcome and if you want a snack then you can come over anytime. Oh, if you want me to also teach you then definitely stop by because I'm a great cook."

"Ok and how about every Friday."



"See ya, Lizard Legs." They both laugh and Gekko leaves. "Wow, that was really fun but why do I feel like this. Like I'm in love or something but hey! It might not be a bad thing." They both thought but soon they would realize the challenges of being in love.

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