Nighttime crime

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"Ok, let's check out the Pj picture player." Gekko uses the Pj picture player to search the city through its cameras. A alarm goes off as the computer shows the camera feed of Nightninja on a roof and his Ninjalinos. "It's Nightninja.... Why would he need or want the toys?"

"I don't know Gekko but I do know we have to get the toys back!! Let's go Pj masks, to the Catcar!!" Catboy swipes to the icon of a blue cat and presses it. The stage where the Carcar stood brightened and they get in. The team buckles up and the leader swipes the energizer then HQ launches out the super car. They land and drive near the rooftop where the ninja leader is. "Alright Ninjalinos, it's time for us to set up my ultimate toy collection!!" They nod and grabs a toy from a pile of toys. "Muhahahahahahaha!!! Soon, I will have the ultimate toy collection and only toy collection!!!! Muhahahahahahaha!!!!"

"He wants to create a toy collection?"

"It looks like it Gekko and I don't think it'll be a normal one either."

"What so you mean Owlette?"

"I think it has something the line 'and only toy collection' Catboy."

"Well we better stop him and save the toys!!" The Pj masks park the Catcar around the corner and hop out. "Let's go!!" They climb the building next to the building where Nightninja and the Ninjalinos are. "Here's the plan, Gekko go in and give him the chance to stop but if he refuses, he'll give the signal and that's when Owlette uses her wind to blow away the Ninjalinos. Then I'll grab the falling toys and store them into the Catcar."

"Ok Catboy but what's the signal?"

"Well Gekko can choose."

"How about I shake 'em up?" They laugh and nod at each other.

"Ok then, now let's get the toys back!"

"Yay!!" Gekko crawls onto the wall as Owlette and Catboy go to their positions. He jumps onto the roof of where Nightninja is and strikes a fierce stance. "Give up and give back the toys Nightninja!!" The villain laughs.

"No way! I will never Lizard legs because I will and only have the ultimate and best toy collection!!"

"Well you asked for it!! Now! Super Gekko muscle!!" The lizard boy stomps as everyone and the building shakes.

"Woah!!" The owl girl flies out of her hiding place.

"Owl wing wing!!" She blows the Ninjalinos away with a gust of wind which makes the toys fall off the building.

"Super cat speed!!" Catboy catches them all then stores them in the super car.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!!! No!! Those are my toys!!!"

"No they aren't Nightninja," Owlette lands and steps forward. "They're the toys of the children at school!!!"

"But come on!! I stole them!!"

"Well it doesn't make it yours nor yours to keep!"

"Errrr......!!!" He stomps and growls then glares at the superheroes. "I'll get you next time Pj masks!!! Retreat my Ninjalinos!!'" Nightninja and his henchmen retreat away as the trio high fives.

"Looks like the ninja will now think twice before he goes to steal toys again."

"And won't be around for sometime which will give us some sleep."

"Yep, I agree Catboy and Owlette. Well Pj masks we shout hooray!!!" The other two join in.

"Because in the night we save the day!!!
All the children were at lunchtime and were enjoying it once again. "Hey!! Our toys are back!!!"


"Now we can play again!!"

"And have fun too!!" The trio was eating lunch as they watch the other kids.

"Heh heh, looks like their hopes are back."


"Definitely, you can't have fun without toys!"

"That is true but then again isn't always the case!"

"How come?"

"Well Amaya," He tags her and gets up. "Because I always have you guys to have fun!!"

"Conor!!" She tags Greg and runs away as he laughs and chases after them.

"I'm gonna get y'all!!!"

"I can't wait to share this to Lunagirl for some reason.... Well only 1 more day til then."

"Gotcha!!" He tags Conor then runs as he notices Camren and tags him instead then runs too.

"Hey!! Am I it?!?! So be it!!!" He chases after them as other kids join in until everyone was playing tag.

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