The secret is out

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Ever since that night, they had met each other every Friday. For 3 months they hanged out with each other, played together, ate together and enjoyed everything life gave to them, together. Lunagirl actually became better and good but she did still steal a bit. Here and there she did but it occurred rarely. Their bond was strongest as it could be. One night he shared the cookie wraps with her and another night he used spanish with her. Like any girl, which Lunagirl disagreed to, she was impressed by it. Though what they thought was a deep connection of friendship, it was a deep connection of love. Tonight was the night that Greg decides to confess and ask her out on a date. "Today is the day that I confess to Lunagirl.... I hope she feels the same way...."


"H-Huh?!?" The blonde boy looks around then looks at Amaya and Conor. They were staring at him like he was insane. "What is it?"

"Greg it's time to go to lunch."

"Yeah and you seemed..... distracted more than usual...."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you were smiling like you were thinking about someone and you drew a heart on your paper...."

"What?!? No!" Amaya pulls the paper from under his arm and shows him that he did drew a head on it. He blush and looked away. "Heh heh...." He scratches the back of his head as his friends were smirking at him. "Oh boy, looks like I'm in for it...."

"So Greg, what's going on?"

"And did you find a girl you're interested in~"

"Uhhhhhhhhh......" He blushes even more and gather his things.

"So you do have a crush!"

"Awwww Greg, why didn't you tell us!"

"Y-Yeah... A-And...." He put his backpack on and walks out the classroom as his friends follow.

"You can't avoid this~"

"Finally you found someone! Now you're not alone or anything! Seriously Greg, so who's this girl?!?"


"Oh no.... I can't tell them that it's Lunagirl or they'll.... they'll.... they'll stop us from seeing each other... I can't tell them...." They reach the courtyard and he sits down at a school picnic table. Amaya and Conor on the other hand was still begging and was still standing up.

"Come on Greg, tell us!!"

"Yeah, come on!!!"

"It's.... It's..... It's.... A secret....."

"A secret?"


"So... I can't tell you..."



"She... She doesn't -"

"She doesn't what Greg?" They were getting impatient, curious and suspicious. Greg was sweating even more than he was and nervous. "She doesn't want others to know about our friendship, that's all." They sigh and nod then smile.

"Heh heh, I understand. I feel the same sometimes."

"It's fine Greg, other want to have privacy and I respect it."

"Me too." He sighs with relief as they sit down and he wipes his sweat away.

"So far, Nightninja and Romeo are the only real ones active but Lunagirl has been.... inactive...."

"Yeah... It's like she doesn't bother with villain work and rarely does it."

"I wonder wh-"

"That's because she's probably busy or something!" Greg has slammed his hands on the table and rosed from his seat. They look at him surprised, startled and bizarrely. He realizes and smiles nervously and laughs. "Heh heh..... heh.... I-I mean...." He sits back down and twiddles with his fingers.

"S-She's probably b-busy doing something o-or planning the u-ultimate scheme....?"

"Oh... Uh.... Ok then..... Greg...."


"Heh heh.... H-How about I..... I go on night patrol tonight! That doesn't seem like a bad idea!"

"That's true."

"Sure, we'll come with -"

"NO!!" Everyone turns towards Greg and stares at him. He sweats even more as he sits back down from slamming his hands on the table again but harder and eats his sandwich. "I-I mean I don't need any help... Heh heh... Yeah...... Please? I'll contact you if anything happens..."


"Ummmmmm... Ok Greg... Go ahead.... We'll be ready if you need us...."

"Heh heh... Sorry... I just wanted to go in solo..."

"It's-It's cool Greg...."

"No worries...." He nods and eats in silence.

"Something's up and Greg isn't telling us. I think a little birdy is saying that we should see what's he's hiding..."

Greg once more transforms into Gekko and heads out of HQ then to the woods. Sometime later he reaches the Lunalair and climbs up a tree, knocks on the door and waits. "It's finally time to confess..." The door opens and enters, he was greeted by the moths. He laughs in response and were soon nuzzles from them occurred. "Awwwww... Hey moths!"

"Hey Gekko!" Lunagirl comes out from her room wearing a white t-shirt and shorts but her hair was straightened.

"Hey Lunagirl! You straightened your hair I see?"


"Well all I wanted to say is... Well..."

"Yes?" She looks at him curiously and steps forward.

"I wanted to say that.... Since weve known each other for some time.... Will you..... Go out with me?" They blush at each other and had quirky smiles.

"Of course!"

"Yes! But it's actually time for me to confess about another thing..." He blushes more and holds her hands. She blushes brighter than the moon and looks at him. "Lunagirl... I... I have a confession I would like to tell you.... I.... I l-"

"Oh my god!"

"I knew! I knew something was up and I knew it had something to do with Lunagirl too!" They both froze in place with their eyes wide open and looks to see that Owletee and Catboy was in the doorway watching. "........"


"Gekko what are you doing?!?"

"Is this who you were talking about! Is this the crush you had?!?? It was Lunagirl!"

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