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The trio was walking to the bus stop as Amaya and Connor were talking to each other but Greg on the other hand was lost in thoughts. "Last night was interesting..... I didn't think me and Lunagirl would bond like that...."


"Huh?" He turns his attention to towards his other friends who were staring at him. "What is it?"

"You were quiet Greg.... Quieter than usual.... And lost in thought.... So we wanted to check up on you."

"Did anything Greg?"

"Thanks Amaya but nothing happened. I'm just thinking about something...."

"Oh ok then."

"Well the bus is here, you can daydream later." The bus arrives and they get on. Greg sits alone while Amaya and Conor sit with each other. "Today's Wednesday...... So just 2 more days then I can chill with Lunagirl...."

"Yo Greg!" He looks up to see Camren behind him. "Sup!"

"Hi Camren..."

"I noticed that you were alone and quiet so I decided to talk to you!!"

"Oh, cool.... Thanks...."

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"That's great so you wanna play on my DS?"


The children were all in class and were doing a worksheet that the teacher had passed out. "Hmmm...."

"Lunagirl truly has a good side.... And is actually very kind.... I wonder what else will I learn about her...."

"Greg? Greg?! Greg!!" Greg falls out of his chair and shakes his head.

"H-Huh!?!? Wha- Waa!!"

"Greg are you ok?!?"

"Y-Yeah... I-I'm fine..." He rubs his head and looks up to see Amaya. She holds out her and he takes it as she pulls him. "Are you sure?"


"Well it's time to turn in our math work and it's also time for lunch."


"Yep, turn in your work and let's go eat! I have a dessert for everyone!"

"Heh heh, ok...." Greg grabs his paper and scribbles down the rest then gives it too the teacher.

"Good day Greg, have a bueno lunch!"


"Bueno. It means good in Spanish."

"Spanish..... Huh..."

"Greg you can read and learn more with this book if you want to." The teacher gives him and book with the title, "Spanish!! Español!!".

"Thanks." He leaves and goes out to the courtyard where they were all having lunch.

"Over here Greg!!" Turning his attention towards his friends, he walks over to their table as Conor waves him over.

"So Greg, are you ready for my extra special?"


"Ok! Here ya go!!" Amaya gives him a small box then the rest who were at the table.

"What is it?"

"It smells sweet...."

"Like cookies!!!" She giggles and nods.

"Yep!! Now open it up and try it!!! It's something new that I came up with one day!" They open it up to meet a tamale-shaped dessert that was in a wrap. They take it out then hold it up. Greg inspects it and sniffs it. Conor looked at its texture and other features it had. Camren looks at it then took a bite out of it. "✨0✨ Oh my god.... This is sooooooo good!!! It tastes like cookies and ice cream!!!!" Amaya giggles again and looks over at the other too.

"Really?" The blue-eyed boy takes a bite and had the same reaction to it. "Holy. Crap. This IS good!! It's delicious!!!"

"Greg you have to try it!!!"

"Heh heh, ok." He takes a small bite. "........ ✨-✨ You guys are right, this is too good to be true!!!" Greg and the other two finishes it and burps. Laughter erupted from the 4 children.

"Wow, you guys really did dig in!!!"

"I know right!!"

"It's only because of your fantastic cooking!!"

"I could eat another!!"

"Heh heh, well that was a Cookie wrap. I created it the other day so it decided to bring it to school."

"Cool!! How do we make it?!?"

"I'll show you all on Saturday but you may only use it when we bake together....!!!"


"Got it!!"

"We won't disappoint!!" They laugh until they hear other children.

"Hey where's my ball?!?!"

"Yeah!! Where's my bear?!?"

"My train!! Where are they?!?"

"Someone must of taken them!!"

"Thats means no more fun....." The trio looks at each other as Camren looks at the other kids.

"Wow..... Tough luck."

"Yeah, that sucks up, well we gotta go Camren!!"

"See ya!!" The three pack up and run behind the school.

"Looks like a nighttime villain stuck again....!"

"Yep, and it's time for us to find out who....!"

"And to bring back all the stolen toys to its rightful owners!!" They nod at each other and Greg starts it off.

"Pj masks we're on our way!!" Amaya and Conor join in.

"Into the night to save the day!!!"

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