Going to her

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"It's finally Friday!!! Now after dark I can go and talk to Lunagirl!! Hopefully she stayed out of trouble...."

"Greg come on!! It's the end of school for the week, let's go!"

"Ok, ok, I'm coming!"

"Good cause we're going to Doughnade for a snack then a cooking lesson with Amaya today due to her being busy on Saturday! Plus you need a bit of studying for our next quiz either though it's 2 weeks away." Greg nods and put his book away then follows Amaya's and Conor's run to Doughnade. During Thursday, he had read more about Spanish and spoke some while trying to practice. The teacher asked him during math: "Dos mas tres igual?"

"Cinco! Dos mas tres or 2 + 3, iguales 5."

"Very good Greg! You seemed to definitely be studying your Spanish. Bueno!"


"De nada." Plus Amaya was gonna show them how to make Cookie wraps so he was excited.

"Maybe I can impress Lunagirl with Amaya's Cookie wraps or something.... After all, she is a great cook."

"Greg come on!!"

"H-Huh?!?" He realizes that he was still at the front of the cafe and walks next to his friends.

"Let's see where this goes..."

The 3 had finished their snack at Doughnade and studying so they were at Amaya's house. Camren came over once they reached her home. Once they were inside, she made them wash their hands and put on a smock. "Now it's time for bake'n!"

"Heh heh, yup!"


"This is gonna be so good!!" She gets out bowls, spoons, wrap, tray and other materials. Next, she gets out the cookie dough and other ingredients that the others were curious about. "What's the purpose with this milk Amaya?"

"It and the flower makes the cookie dough softer so I can mold it."

"Then what about the those other ones like the butter and mint?"

"They're used to make the filling! It's one of my favorite parts of this recipe!!"

"Well what it takes to make the cookie wrap, we'll do it!!"

"Ok my junior chefs, let's hop to it!!" Amaya claps her hands and they laugh before getting to work.

It was nighttime as Greg was in bed drawing. He looks out the window to see it was nighttime and the perfect time to sneak out. Transforming, he teleports to HQ and uses the elevator. He exits the headquarters and heads for Lungirl's Lunalair. Getting to the forest, he walks until he sees a mini-moon on a tree. "That's the Lunalair for sure.... Super Lizard grip!" He scales the tree and reaches the top of it. Next to the lair, he leans to the door and knocks on it then wobbles the tree back to its normal stance. "Who is it?!?"

"It's me! It's Gekko!!"

"That's you Lizard legs? Ok then." The door opens and reveals Lungirl that's in her pjs. It was a black with a moon on the shirk and shiny on the ends but her mask was still on. "Yeah it's me, little old Lizard legs." She giggles and 3 steps for in front of the entrance. Walking down them, she holds out her hands and he smiles then take it. She pulls him onto the steps and they walk in. "Thanks."

"No prob."

"Well it nice to see you."

"Heh, same but less. This week has been bor-ing!!" She sits down on her chair and her moths fly in. "Hello moths, as you can see Gekko is here to pay us a visit every Friday now. Don't worry, he's a friend and won't hurt us nor will we hurt him." They nod and nuzzles Gekko, which makes him chuckle.

"Heh heh, thanks." They nod again and get out 2 glasses, 1 bowl and a gallon of milk.

"But since you're here, I bet you had something happened this week?"

"Well aside from facing you, we delt with Nightninja on Wednesday."

"Really? That stuck-up ninja? What did he try to do?" The moths bring them their glass of milk while they drink out of their milk bowl. They did that because it was easy for all of them and had a choice to use the bowl or glasses.

"Yep, he tried to create 'the ultimate toy collection' so he collected other kids' toys but failed like usual."

"Heh, even I wouldn't do that, and I want to take the daytime fun away."

"I agree but hey, maybe we could play sometime with my toys." She gently blushes and nods

"S-Sure.... I would love too...."


"So how about....." Thoughout the time they had together, they talked and learned more about each other. Their bond with each other, also the moths, grew and increased. It was 3 hours later when they were discussing things when Gekko noticed the time. "Yeah well- oh my!"

"What is it?!?"

"Well it's 12:00 am..... Looks like we can continue this next Friday."

"Awwww!! That sucks but ok....." Lunagirl walks the lizard boy out onto her steps. "Goodbye Gekko!"

"Bye Lunagirl!"

"Bye... Hey wait!" He turns around and meets her sparkling eyes.


"Well I was just thinking and.... Well...." She sighs and her face turns serious.

"We have to keep this a secret, between you and me. If anyone found out, like your friends, they'll find a way to stop this and keep us from ever hanging out. Understand?"

"Yeah..." He scratches his neck and looks down. "I know and thought about that but yes.... I do understand... Good night Luna girl."

"Heh...." She relaxes and waves as she leans on the doorway. "Night Lizard legs...." The moths fly next to her and waves goodbye as he scales down the tree. One says something in her ear. "I know.... but he's a good one... A good one indeed...." She leaves the entrance with her moths, the steps disappear and the door closes.

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