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Lunagirl and Gekko lands onto a clearing in the forest and gets off the Lunaboard. They were smiling and holding each other's hands. "Gekko.... I -" Before she could finish, she was tackled by her moths cuddling, nuzzling and crying to death. "I missed you Moths! I really did and I'm so sorry for not being able to protect you!" They nuzzles her in reply and insurance. "Thank you Moths...." Owlette lands as Catboy stops the Catcar and jumps out.

"Looks like we saved Lunagirl and stopped Romeo."

"Yep and it was all thanks to Lunagirl and her moths....." The girl with shiny white hair looks up at them in surprise as she was cuddling her moths.



"What?!? But how?!?"

"Well if it wasn't for the moths coming to HQ, I wouldn't of known what happened to you, what Romeo was planning and.... Well.... I wouldn't of been myself again...." She blushes and her eyes sparkled.

"Without you I would of still felt that pain and void of emotions.... If it wasn't for this occurring.... I would of given up and wouldn't of find what I lost...."

"W-wow Gekko.... I-I -"

"Which was a piece of me... And the piece of me was you." He was blushing and so was she as he helped her up. Their friends were watching in the back room as Gekko holds both of her hands. Moths were proud but was looking at the two heros next to him. They look at each other with a smile and nod. "Gekko." They look at the owl and cat then remembered the forbiddence. "O-Oh yeah...." They frown and look down.

"I think it's time...."

"Y-Yeah b-but -"

"To let you two blossom and grow as a two."

"What?!?" Shouting in unison, they both were shocked at what the two said.

"You both love each other....."

"Deeply...." They thought about it and blushed deeper.

"Just like us..."

"And we had no right to split you two apart...."

"We saw the pain you had Gekko..." Gekko stares at them feeling sad about how he acted and whatever pain he brought them.

"And we wished to fix it...."

"So," They both were smiling proudly and boldly.

"You may."

"You may what?"

"You may be together again, Lunagirl."

"Really?!?" They nod and the lovebirds rejoice. The moths and nuzzles Owlette and Catboy which makes them giggle. "So Lunagirl about what I saying the other night...."


"Can we still -"

"Of course we can!!"

"Heh heh but as I was saying.... I was going to confess my feelings for you but it seems there is no need...." He takes her hands once more and looked directly into her shimmering eyes. She looks directly into his glowing eyes. Holding her close, they both lean in and kiss. When they kissed, they were finally and officially complete. The three in the background cheered and were full of pride. The new couple pull away and hold each other close.

"I love you Gekko...."

"I love you too Lunagirl....."

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