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The lunaboard and a strand of black hair.

It only meant one thing, Lunagirl and Romeo. And if the moths are like this and came here, they must be seeking help. So the only reason why they must be seeking help is because Romeo captured Lunagirl, the girl of his life. Soon his teammates come down and go down the elevator to see the moths resting in a weak state, Gekko holding the Lunaboard and having an expression filled with emotions. "Gekko?!?"

"Moths?!?" He turns towards them and stands up while putting down the hovercraft down.

"He has her... He took her..."

"What do you mean Gekko?"

"Who's he?"

"Romeo! Romeo took her! Romeo captured her and left the moths at their weakest state!"


"Well what do we do?!?"

"Easy we're gonna go find Romeo, save Lunagirl and kick Romeo's butt!! It's time to be the hero I once was!" The two gasps because they saw it.... They the glimpse.... They saw the spark... They saw HIS spark! Gekko, the one that once lived, was still there and alive! He was finally back and awakened for good because now, he felt he needed himself and everything else to bring her back! They smile and nod as the lizard boy was smiling with pride. "Woohoo!"

"Awwwww yeah!"

"You got it Gekko!!"

Alright Pj masks, let's go!"


Owlette and the moths were flying over the city to find any signs of Romeo while Catboy and Gekko were riding in the Catcar. "Moths, spread out and see if you can find anything." They nod and spread out through the city. Soon the insects fly back into a group to Owlette's side. "Did you see anything?" They nod and point to what they saw. "Owl Eyes!" She looks to see a machine in a clearing in the forest and sees Romeo holding the Lunamagnet. Her com activates. "Owlette you read?"

"Yeah! I read!"

"Did you find or see anything?

"Yes I did Gekko! I see Romeo!" She looks around more and notices Lunagirl trapped in a bubble. "And there's Lunagirl! She's trapped in a dome! Looks like he's planning something with the Lunamagnet and it doesn't seem good!"

"Then we better stop him!"

"Where are they?!"

"A clearing in the forest, it won't be hard to spot. There is a machine-base thing there actually."

"Ok then, me and Catboy will head there while you and the moths head in the skies."

"You got it!" She and the moths loop in the air and fly towards the location of Romeo.

"Let's go stop that villian!" Catboy laughs and put the petal to the metal.

"You got that right! Let's go save your girlfriend!" They speed off as Gekko blushes madly.



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