Broken hearts

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Their hearts were shattered, parted, ripped, teared.... BROKEN.... Greg soon wakes up from what he thought that night was just a nightmare..... but he knew it wasn't and wished it was. His heart was forever scared and wanted it to be mend, to be fix... to be healed but knew that would never happened. He wrapped himself more in to his covers and cries. That was all he could do, that was all he knew to do. Weeping and crying all he could think of. Wanting to forget and let it all pass over but Greg knew, that was never going to happen.

• • • • • • • • •

There was a knock on the door, soon the door opened up. It was Amaya and Conor, the one who opened it was Greg's mother. They wanted to visit and apologize either though they both knew that would never fix it nor would it help. It was Sunday so a day had passed ever since the "forbiddance". They weren't happy, his parents weren't either and explained to them what occurred. He hadn't came out of his room, he stayed in there, locked up and locked away. The two adults were worried and scared about their son. The duo look at each other and nods. Heading up the stairs, they stay silent until Amaya sighs. "This is my fault.... I shouldn't of done this to him...." Conor put a hand on her shoulder.

"No Amaya, this is both of our faults.... If we didn't forbid him, he wouldn't be like this...."

"We have to talk to him.... Even if he hates us."

"Agreed." The reach his room and the blue brunette knocks on the door. There was no answer nor response.

"Greg.... Are you there...? Please respond...."

"We're worried about you..... Your parents are also worried about you...."

"We wanted to talk and apologize.... And I know that it will never make up for what we done....."

"But we still want to try....." There was a shuffle then the door unlocks and another shuffle. The two look at each other then nod and Conor opens the door. When they get inside, they close the door. It was dark, the lights were off and the curtains were shut. Then they saw the sight, they saw a blanket fort were Greg was inside and wrapped under another blanket. It wasn't impressive, it was more depressing and heartbreaking than you could think. "Oh Greg...."



"Greg.... You're in there aren't you?" She takes a step forward at the bed holding her friend and the fort.


"We know.... t-that you probably hate me and Amaya's guts right?"

"......" The blankets shifted a bit but stayed silent.

"And like we said before, how even with our words, this'll never heal you..."


"We just wanted to apologize, we thought it was best and were afraid... So I apologize Greg for breaking your heart...."

"Like Amaya, I'm sorry for taking away the love of your life... I couldn't imagine that happening to me but.... I instead I took away yours...." The blanket shuffles again but was still silent and nothing came out.

"Me & Amaya will go and let you have all the time you need...."

"Bye Greg... Maybe we can catch you at school?"

"Bye." The two leave and closes the door behind them. Lynel walks up to Greg's bed.

"Greg... I know and understand... But there is something you need to realize."


"You will see her again and will love her again. Love always finds its way back together." The lizard disappears and leaves the boy alone with himself and his thoughts.

It was nighttime when the moths were in the kitchen washing dishes. They knew that Lunagirl was going through a tough time and needed some solitude. They did all the chores and cooked the meals. Each time they came in and give her something to eat, she wouldn't eat it or, by force, eat a bite of it. They knew she was taking this worse than Gekko. She thought it was her fault. She thought if she wasn't a villain, this wouldn't of happened. She thought all of this, this... heartbreak.... the tragic love story.... this mess... was all her fault. Soon the moths heard a knock on the door and one opens it. They yell out as the intruder enters and uses insect repellent on them. The moths fall to the ground and go unconscious as they walk towards their friend's room.

• • • • • • •

Lunagirl was in the middle of sobbing when she heard a knock on the door. "Go away moths.... I need to be alone right now...." Another knock rings out on her door. She sighs and decides not to get angry. "Please let me be...." The third knock happened and she gets up. Grabbing her Lunamagnet, she carefully walk towards the door. "Wait...." She unlocks the door and grips the doorknob as turning on her weapon. "Who are you!" She swings it open and fires a blast at them and they dodge. "I knew it!!" The girl jumps onto her Lunaboard and hovers as she open fire at the intruder. Filling with rage, she keeps going until she gets hit with a ball that soon explodes in her face and falls onto her bed. The lunaboard deactivates as the Lunamagnet when flying across the room and turning off. Lunagirl felt dizzy and sleepy, she tries to fight the urge but fails. Last thing she sees before going unconscious was a person walking towards her.

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