Oh no....

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Greg wakes up and checks his clock, it was time for school. He stays silent as he gets dress and goes downstairs to eat breakfast. It had been a week ever since the forbiddance. The week before he didn't even move or leave for school. He had only gone downstairs twice, and that's it. Amaya and Conor had explained what was going on, well not the EXACT explanation. They said that he had a crush on someone and was going to confess until another took her out and she's now with someone else. The parents nodded and undsrstood, so they called the school telling them that he was sick. Now that the week passed, he basically forced himself to do things. He hated it but didn't fight it but always thought it was for the best. He thought they were right to split them apart. Even though the two knew they weren't, he still thought it was only so he push pass it. Greg only did it so he can push pass, the pain, the grief, the anger, the emotions that trapped him and lived. Even though he tried to put up an act sometimes or just... "be himself"..... everyone noticed or knew that he wasn't getting better nor pushing through it. Greg had finished breakfast and left his home and to the bus stop.

The bus
The bus was driving to school when the blonde boy was sitting alone in the seat. The others were sitting behind him and wanted to give him his personal space. The other kids heard Amaya's and Conor's explanation and did the same. He was grateful for their respect and giving him some space. Sometimes others inivited him to play some.... small and simple games which he accepted in.

In Class
What didn't change though in school was his seat and grades, which is a surprise to his parents. He sat where he normally would sit but quieter. The teacher also knew about the situation and didn't bother him as well as not assign much homework to him. Today in class they were doing math work with fractions. Greg was answering them with ease and steadily until the final one. The problem was:

1/2 + 1/2 = ?

He answers it slowly, turns it in to the teacher and leaves the classroom then locks himslf into a bathroom stall. Once everything was quiet, he had a breakdown. Tears flooded and a soft cry echoed throughout the bathroom. He was broken and already knew that but was more broken than he thought. The boy also knew that he was incomplete, a half, unfinished and a part. It was clear that he couldn't function correctly and needed her, he needed Lunagirl.

After school
Greg was walking home alone until Amaya and Conor catches up to him. "Hey Greg!" The female brunette stops running and walks by his side. Se was really out of breath like anyone would be if they ran like that and for that long.


"How are you?" The male brunette stops running once by his side and was out of breath too.


"Greg we have decided something!"

"Yeah, Amaya and I came up with it during lunch!"

"Huh, what is it?"

"How about we go on a night patrol? I think it'll help a lot and plus, haven't any of you noticed how -"


"And peaceful!"

"Yep! How quiet and peaceful its been? No one even showed up last week."

"Maybe we're lucky.... At least we get a rest....."

"You might be right about that or something more sinster is being planned....."


"Pj masks we're on our way!" Amaya starts them off, Conor and Greg joins in but the heartbroken boy stayed quiet.

"Into the night we save the day!"

"Ok, let's take the Catcar!"

"Are you sure? Why not the OwlGlider or Gekko mobile?"

"Well...." Gekko tunes his teammates out and goes down to his level. He hops into his vehicle and sighs. Thoughts and emotions swarmed the depress hero. For 5 minutes, he pondered until his thoughts were popped when he heard a banging noise. He turns towards the HQ exit/entrance and opens it. His eyes widen as he sees the moths, they were weak and worn out. "Oh no...." Letting them in, he gently got them all a leaf to lay on and checked out their condition. "What happened?!?!" They all fly out then comes back that shocks Gekko even more. . . . .

The lunaboard and a strand of black hair.

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