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Iron is a metal in the first transition series. It is by mass the most common element on Earth, forming much of Earth's outer and inner core.


It has been exactly two days and three hours since Hayden left and Reinne became very cranky as the day to her brother's wedding slowly starts to close in.

"Ivy?" Adrian said, pitying their poor cat whose been squeezed out of its life in Reinne's hands. "Your killing Pooper."

Reinne snap out of it and let Pooper go. She sigh and lean back on the couch. "It has been 12 hours since we last talked and he haven't once tried to call me."

"Maybe he's busy," Adrian shrug. "Most company owners are."

Reinne glared at him to shut up and he did. Adrian stood up to leave her to her own self-wallowing when there was a sudden commotion at the door.

"Where is she?"

Reinne stilled when she recognized the voice. She glance at Adrian and saw the person she didn't wish to see again.

"What are you doing here?" Adrian said in a cold tone.

"Don't talk to me like that," He spat. "Where's your mother?"

"What do you want with her?"

"I want to speak to her. Not you."

"No," She inserted. "We want you to leave right now."

"You don't talk to your uncle like that!" He glare at her. "You're undisciplined and shows no respect to your uncle. Is that how your parents raise you?"

"You don't have the right critic on the way our parents raise us," Adrian said. "You can't even teach your own children the basic thing about self-respect."

"You lost our respect the moment you opened your mouth and insult our family," Reinne voice dripped with venom.

"Look at you!" Her uncle pointed at her. "This is what money did to you. You started disrespecting the elders."

"Excuse me," Adrian point at him. "Isn't that what you did to us?"

"Mae!" Reinne called their housekeeper. "Call the guards!"

"Yes, ma'am," Mae, who is standing by the doorway, run to call the two guards.

"What is going on?"

Reinne glance at the doorway to see Hayden with her parents. She quickly dash to him and hug him tightly. She missed him but his arrival is on timing for some family drama. She silently wished he should have come at different circumstances. Hayden press a chaste kiss on her temple before turning back to the man standing in the middle of the living room.

"What are you doing here?" Her mother glared at her brother.

"Hello, sister," he smirked at her.

Reinne saw the guards standing behind them. "What are you doing here?" Grace asked again.

"I need money," He shrug. "It would be nothing to you since you can afford this kind of house."

Grace scoff. "Money? You have five children and none of them could give you money? Oh, right. They don't have a job."

The Periodic Table Of Unfortunate Events (#1 Of The Chemistry Series)Where stories live. Discover now