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Nickel is a silvery-white lustrous metal with a slight golden tinge. Nickel belongs to the transition metals and is hard and ductile.


"What?" Reinne glance at Hayden wondering is she heard the right thing. "Are you..."

"I love you," Hayden said. It felt right. "I'm in love with you. I'm falling in love with you everyday."

Reinne felt her body relax with Hayden's word. She saw his eyes go back to the color she loves the most, silver. The more she stare at his eyes, the more she felt his warmth and love. They said that the eyes are the windows of the human mind. She stare at his eyes and feel the love, security and comfort in them. Unconsciously, her hand reach up to rest on his heart, it was beating as fast as hers. She read on the internet that the moment two heartbeats synchronized is when they stare at each other. She watch his eyes dilate with want. She love this man. They may only each other for months but what she felt for him can last for a lifetime.

Hayden felt himself sweat when Reinne didn't answer back. Her palm on his chest is scorching hot. He wanted to kiss her, hug her and love her but he waited. He waited patiently considering that he hates it when people let him wait, but Reinne's different. The moment she opened her mouth during the first time they met, he already know that she's different. They way she speak, hold herself, he knows it was just all a façade because underneath all of those walls is a woman who is scared to love and trust. She always put her friends, subordinates and family first.

Reinne wanted to know what Hayden is thinking. She wanted to say I love you back at him but something stopped her. She wanted to assure him that she loves him and thought action is better than words.

It caught Hayden off guard when Reinne suddenly kissed him. After the shock, Hayden kissed her back. He can feel what Reinne was trying to tell him and it was enough for him.


"Who knew you can be romantic?" Reinne mocked Hayden as they lay on her bed.

Hayden poked her on the side earning a squeal from her. "I didn't do it all alone. The location was my idea but the rest, your brothers, father and godfathers did that possible."

"And the girls?"

"Never told them."

Reinne move to rest on his chest. "Why?"

"If we told them, the surprise would be ruined," Hayden pinched her nose at which she slap his hand away.

Reinne reach up and press a kiss on his lips, his nose, his closed eyes, his sharp jaw, the pulse in his neck towards his chest, where his heart lies. Hayden let out a groan when Reinne move to lay on top of him.

"Your friend down south is excited already," Reinne whispered on his ear.

Hayden can't help it anymore, he roll Reinne underneath him. He makes sure that he didn't put any weight on her stomach. Hayden press a kiss all over her face. "My friend will always be excited, especially if a beautiful, naked woman who smelled like coconuts is laying under him."

"Coconuts?" Reinne questioned Hayden. "Are you craving one?"

"Your hair smells like coconuts."

"Ah... It must be the shampoo."

"What's the brand?" Hayden stalled when he saw Reinne frown with all the Q & A from him.

"Palmolive," She grit. "Now, if you don't make love to me the next five seconds you'll--Hayden!"

The Periodic Table Of Unfortunate Events (#1 Of The Chemistry Series)Where stories live. Discover now