CHAPTER 9 (Admit it!)

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"Kiss me"


I turned to face her seeing the smirk playing in her face. Is she being serious right now? Yeah I know sitting on the edge of the hill watching sun settling down is such romantic scenery that you see mostly in the movie. Unfortunately this isn't a movie but for crying out loud her lips is so tempting which makes it really hard to control and disregard her offer.

"I said kiss me"

"And why would I do that?"

"Because you know you want to kiss me,"

"yeah right"

"Haven't you kissed a woman before?" she arched her eyebrows still wearing her annoying smirk. I scoffed trying to ignore her, she's been doing this teasing the whole day. Lately, I've been spending too much time with Camila. I've started my work in Elegance Collection, it sells furniture's and stuff. I thought first day in work will all be pressure and stuff but no it was actually the opposite. All I did the whole day was photocopy bunch of documents that I don't know yet, then, print series of papers that I also don't know yet. Wait, what am I even saying!

"Or you're just a bad kisser"

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that,"

"pft! Pussy!" okay she just didn't say that! I stared straight to her deep chocolate eyes intently debating to myself to just do it, gazing down to her pink lips that she's biting seductively. I looked at her now dilated eyes that turns in darker brown which I completely lost it.

I leaned forward and crushed my lips to hers, taking my time to finally taste her sweet cherry lips. I intended to just take a peek but damn this lips taste so good that I can devour every inch of it. But I pulled myself away before she has a chance to respond to my kiss.

"Yup, you're a bad kisser," she nodded like she wants to prove herself right. And of course my ego put me to hell like don't blame me for bringing my hand to her neck pulling her closer to me. I sweep my tongue to her lower lip savoring her soft sweet glorious mouth. She moaned lightly to the kiss giving me an opportunity to push my tongue inside her and showing her what good kiss truly means. She moans once again making my whole body set on fire. I should stop now before I tear her clothes apart on this grassy ground.

I smirked looking at her as she catches her breath and opens her eyes smiling playfully. "Still a bad kisser,"

I scoffed, "yeah right, not good enough to make you moan twice." I bantered back proudly especially seeing her face turning red. She hit my arm roughly that hurts but all I could do is laugh at her adorable reaction. I had been used into us teasing each other and her challenging me to whatever idea she comes up with. Thinking about it, maybe this kissing thing is just another game for her but for now I don't want to think about it.

I turned my gaze back to the illuminating rays of the sunset displaying gorgeously in front of us. We fell into a comfortable silent for a minute til I felt Camila's head leaning on my shoulder. I can smell her coconut milk hair and can't help but smile leaning my head against hers. It is simple yet strangely making my heart contented. When I am with her I felt different, I felt so alive and...happy.

Damn, realizing these thoughts makes me nervous, scared and in danger. No! I shouldn't feel these things for her. It's not right, but it felt so right! What would my friends think? They don't even know I spend most of my time with her. Yeah they know I befriended her, but they thought I was doing it just to piss Vero off since she's been ignoring me because of that picture I posted on instagram. They know how my teasing goes offensive sometimes but they expect me to not jump into my friend's ex. But for God sake they've broken up a year ago already.

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