Chapter 20

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Luke's POV

I was once again on the side-lines for the Peewees' game. They were really starting to look like a good team and they were having a lot of fun which is a bonus. David was yelling at them to get moving during warm-ups because they was a bit too much laughing going to for them to really be doing much.

I was sitting on the board and my legs were dangling above the ice and I was laughing at all the boys on the ice. If they got too close me I would grab them and lift them off the ice for a moment before letting them continue their drill.

I joined them on the ice a few drills to make sure that they were all warm and to make sure that they were doing the right thing. I pulled my skates off as the game started and joined David standing behind the rest of the players that weren't on the ice.

Coaching the team wasn't too hard when it came to games and the boys enjoyed it more when the team won. As the game was coming to an end I glanced around at all the spectators and noticed that Brynn still wasn't here.

The final hooter sounded and it was another ten minutes before Thomas was even ready to leave. Brynn was waiting outside for us and was texting on her phone. She looked up and saw us coming towards her.

She pocketed her phone and headed out to her car. We didn't talk much on the drive but it wasn't very long anyway. Thomas disappeared into the house when we got there and I followed Brynn into the kitchen.

She had her math notes already spread on the table. I contributed my own notes and we started to work. It actually wasn't that hard and we got most of work done before lunch.

"Thomas, what do you want for lunch?" Brynn called.

I heard Thomas' footsteps run downstairs before he joined us in the kitchen.

"Can we have hot dogs?" Thomas asked.

Brynn found some in the fridge and she started to get them ready. Thomas was sitting at the bench and I started making a salad for us as well. Thomas had started music playing and I heard Brynn humming along softly.

Thomas joined in singing so Brynn got a little bit louder. I started singing as well and that got a smile on Brynn's face. The kitchen got louder as we continued to sing even as the song changed.

Lunch didn't take much longer to make and we all grabbed hot dogs and salad. Our math work was still spread out on the table so we sat in the lounge instead.

Thomas started telling Brynn all about his hockey game. He looked so excited as he talked about it and it made me smile as well. Brynn nodded along with his story and continued to eat.

After lunch Thomas left to go spend his afternoon with a friend and it left me alone in the house with Brynn. We continued to work through our math project and it didn't take much longer for us to finish it and it was only half past two.

I leant back on the chair as Brynn stacked all our sheets together.

"I think that I have used enough brain power for the day," I said softly.

"Yeah, I think that was enough. Do you have anywhere to be?" Brynn asked.

"Not for a couple of hours," I said.

We moved away from the table and into the lounge. I was able relax and we started to talk about other things. I found Brynn easier to talk to now and I was able to get to know her better. I learnt that she wasn't sure what she wanted to after high school.

"I don't really know either. I just like to play hockey," I admitted.

"At least you know that. I don't mind school but I don't know what I want to do with it," she continued.

I nodded and we settled into a different conversation. The time seemed to fly by and not long later I had to change and get ready to leave for work.

"Where is your bathroom?" I asked.

She pointed me in the right direction and I quickly changed before joining Brynn in the kitchen again. I grabbed my math notes and stuffed them into my bag. I glanced up at Brynn and noticed that she was staring at me as I moved around.

She noticed at me looking at her as well and offered me an awkward smile. I closed my bag and lifted it up onto my shoulder.

"I'll see you at school," I said.

She snapped out of her daydream and nodded. I headed out moments later and she still looked like she was slightly out of it. It was a slightly longer walk from Sydney's house to work but it wasn't too bad. It gave me time to think.

Brynn and I had been friends at one point earlier on but then she thought that she knew me and I couldn't be bothered dealing with it anymore. Then now that she knew about all that I do I think that she felt bad about it and I don't know where we are anymore.

She seemed to be nice today and even after we had finished out math work we continued to talk and I felt comfortable. I was so distracted thinking about it that I had walked into the restaurant without realising it.

"Luke, are you with us?" Lilly asked, clapping her hands in front of my face.

I blinked a couple of times and offered an embarrassed smile. She laughed at me and threw my apron at me. I grabbed it out of the air and tied it around me. I was still slightly distracted as I worked but it didn't matter that much.

I was busy most of the night and it meant that I didn't get to talk to Max and Jessie that much. Justin came in and ordered dinner at some point and I talked to him a little bit but I had to get back to work.

I headed home as soon as my shift finished because I was feeling really tired. I don't really know why I was more tired than other days but I knew that I had to go home and sleep. I was glad that it wasn't a long walk home and I headed back to the apartment.

I found it locked and Mom wasn't home. I couldn't remember the last time that I had seen her. She hadn't tried to reschedule our planned dinner and I guess that she wasn't that interested in doing it.


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The Wise One

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