Chapter 25

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Luke's POV

It took a couple of days before we managed to find time to go on a date. Brynn told me that she was organising it and I was fine with letting her do it. I was working three days in a row as well as having training so we had to wait until that was all finished.

I opened our apartment door and found her standing there. She was wearing navy jeans and a nice blue shirt and I was suddenly aware that I was in sports shorts and shirtless.

"Come on in, sorry I'm running late," I said quickly.

She nodded and took a seat at the table. She then assured me that she didn't mind hanging around as I had a shower and changed. I had had training and thought that I had left plenty of time between that and the time that Brynn and I planned for but that didn't account for Coach running us late.

I had a quick shower and changed into jeans and black shirt before joining Brynn in the lounge. She was looking at one of the photos hanging on the wall. I was probably six or seven and I was in hockey gear and I was holding a trophy. I looked genuinely happy.

She smiled at me as I came up behind her and she wrapped me in a hug.

"Are you ready to go?" she asked.

"Yeah, thanks for waiting," I smiled.

"No, I was going to leave and go on a date with the other guy I asked out," she deadpanned.

I fake glared at her and we both cracked up laughing moments later. We headed down and out of the building together and into her car that was parked down the street. I didn't ask her where we were going because I was fine with not knowing.

We talked a little bit as she drove but even without conversation it felt comfortable. I didn't know Pittsburgh that well yet so I didn't know where we were going. We pulled up in front of a restaurant that I didn't recognise but looked like it served Greek food.

"This is one of my favourite. I think that you will like it as well," she said as she parked and we got out.

I nodded and we headed inside together. She had reserved a table and it was at the back of the room where it was quieter. We didn't take long to order and then the waiter left us alone.

"Do you come here often?" I asked.

"I guess, we come here sometimes for birthdays and things," she said.

We started talking about other things and I got to know here even better. I told her about all the places that I had lived and all the funny stories that I had from those places. Conversation between us was comfortable and we were there for almost an hour and a half and it didn't seem that long.

She grabbed my hand as we stood up and left and it meant that we were standing close together. She paid for dinner and I tried to protest but she wouldn't let me. We headed out together and got into her car.

I had to let go of her hand so that she could drive. She wouldn't tell me where we were going now and again it didn't really bother me. We continued to talk as she drove and was really comfortable and relaxing.

We came up to a different part of Pittsburgh that I still didn't know. We got out and headed into a blank looking building that didn't seem to have any branding on the outside.

"Where are we?" I asked.

She grabbed my hand and just laughed.

"You'll see," she teased.

She pushed the door open and recognised where she had brought it. It was a trampoline park and because it was late at night. She paid for us to get in and I quickly stripped my shoes and we headed up together.

We pretty much had the whole place to ourselves and it was a lot of fun to let go and just act like kids. I had a lot of fun jumping around and shoving Brynn was well. It didn't take long though for it be tiring and I collapsed on one of the mats.

Brynn jumped over to join me. She collapsed beside me on the mat and we lay there for a minute.

"This was a lot of fun," I said.

She smiled and rested her head on my chest as continued to lie there.

"Do you want to do this again some time?" she asked.

"I would love to," I said.

She smiled brightly and we decided that we should get up and go home. I grabbed her hand as we walked out and pulled her close to me. It wasn't a very long walk back to the car or a long drive back to my apartment.

"I'll walk you up," she said.

"You don't have to," I assured her.

"I want to."

I nodded and she came up with me. I unlocked the apartment and wasn't surprised to see it empty. Brynn must have seen a little bit of disappointment in my eyes because she wrapped me in a tight hug and we stood like that in the doorway for a few minutes.

"Thank you for tonight, I really loved it," I told her again.

"I loved it as well. I like to spend time with you."

I bend down slightly and pressed my lips to hers. It was short but both of us were smiling when we broke apart.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I asked.

"I would like that a lot," she smiled and pressed another kiss to my lips.

She needed to leave so she headed down, leaving me alone in the apartment. I wished that Mom was here so that I could go and talk to her but that wasn't possible so I just headed to bed instead.


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