Chapter 45

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Luke's POV

My list of things to do was slowly getting shorter and shorter but things were still getting added. I had pretty much packed up all my stuff and it was mostly saying goodbye to people and tying up loose ends now. My last day at school was today and I was going to training to say goodbye and not actually participate.

I pulled my skates on but didn't bother changing into pads. Coach was a bit surprised when I came onto the ice like that but he didn't say anything. I skated over to him and he looked up at me.

"Can I talk to the team before training starts?" I asked.

Coach looked at me in surprise but still nodded. I stayed standing next to him as the rest of the guys trickled onto the ice. Justin knew what I was going to say so he wasn't as surprised the rest of the team.

"I wanted to talk to you guys because I'm not going to continue playing for this team," I started.

I didn't get to continue because everyone started talking over me and Coach looked just as shocked.

"I accepted an offer to play for the Flint Firebirds in the OHL so I can't continue play here," I finished.

Everyone was silent and no one said anything.

"Anyway, I just wanted to say something so I'm going to go and I might see you around," I said simply.

Mark glared at me as I skated off and I was glad that I could keep playing hockey and not have to worry about him anymore. One down and two more hockey teams that I had to say goodbye tomorrow. Dylan, Justin and Brynn were going to come and say goodbye to me when I got picked up as there was a car being sent for me.

The next day I headed to the rec in time for the Peewee training and I decided that I was going to tell them that I was leaving at the end of training. The kids were just as enthusiastic as always and I loved that. I made sure to help them as much as I could because I always loved to work with them.

I had already told David that I was going to be able to continue coaching and he totally understood. I think that he was just glad that he had got someone to help as long as I could. It always took the kids longer than needed to pack up the equipment and I gathered them together after everything was tidied up.

"Coach Luke has something important to say," David told me to get them to be quiet.

I found twenty pairs of eyes on me and I felt so sad to leave these kids behind. They were amazing and had so much fun playing hockey.

"So this is my last day because I am moving to Michigan," I said.

"How come?" about five kids asked.

"I have been accepted to play in the OHL and my team is in Michigan," I explained.

No sooner had I said that then I got swamped by the whole team. I felt arms around me and I couldn't help but smile really brightly.

"You guys have to promise that you will be really good from Coach David and you will continue playing hockey. You are really good," I told them.

They all nodded and I had to wipe a couple of tears because I really loved working with kids. I talked to a couple of them and their parents before they left and Thomas was the last kid left.

"I'm going to miss you," he said.

I knelt down and wrapped him in a tight hug.

"You can get Brynn to call me if you want to talk to me. You are going to be a really good hockey player," I told him.

He smiled at me brightly and I had to let him go so that he could go and leave with his Mom. I circled the rink a couple of times before stepping off the rink. The last goodbye to the rec hockey team was going to be the hardest because they were so good for me.

I was joined on the rink and I decided that I was going to tell them before training rather than at the end. I waited for everyone to come out and I brought everyone together.

"So, guys this is going to be my last training with you guys because I am leaving for Michigan tonight," I said.

Everyone cheered at the realisation that I was going to be playing in the OHL.

"I'm going to miss you so much," I continued.

Once again I got swamped by the whole team and I really couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I wrapped my arm around Jamie's neck and stayed there for a minute. I could still feel others pressed around me and I really couldn't let go.

Eventually everyone broke apart and I really had to wipe my tears from my eyes.

"You are going to amazing," Connor assured me.

I nodded and we started to train. I had told Jamie that I didn't want training to change because it was last one and he respected that. I liked training with these guys and I couldn't believe that this was the last time that I was going to be here.

Alex suggested that we all go out for food since it was my last day and no one was complaining. It didn't seem to take as long for everyone to get organised to head out. We headed to our usual place and I got shoved into a seat in the middle of the table.

"So I just want to say thank you guys so much because you are amazing and you have been so good to me," I said after everyone had ordered.

"Hey, you were a good teammate too," Matt added.

I smiled at all of them and was pleased that the conversation moved away from me. Alex and Jamie made sure to pull me aside once everyone was done and they hugged me again.

"Remember that you can call anytime," Jamie assured me.

I nodded as I slipped out of his arms and into Alex's.

"And we want to hear about every game," he said.

I nodded and I hugged them both once more before heading out. Now all I had left to do was leave tonight.


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The Wise One

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